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Request for Authorization to Alter Highway-Rail Crossing Rev: 10-08-2015 <br />Pursuant to Commission General Order 88-B Page 3 of 5 <br />Westbound: CPUC Standard 9 assembly with separate crossing arm <br />assembly on the Davis Street (SR 112) roadside (flashing lights facing both eastbound and westbound); CPUC Standard 9 assembly in the median island (flashing lights facing westbound only). New off-quadrant CPUC Standard <br />8 assembly in the public sidewalk for pedestrians walking against vehicle <br />traffic. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />8. Temporary Traffic Controls - Include a statement of temporary traffic controls to be provided during construction: <br />Traffic control provided during construction will be in conformance with California MUTCD <br />Section 6G.18 “Work in the Vicinity of a Grade Crossing” which reads, in part, “When grade crossings exist either within or in the vicinity of a TTC zone, lane <br />restrictions, flagging, or other operations shall not create conditions where vehicles can <br />be queued across the tracks.” <br /> “Early coordination with the railroad company…should occur before works starts.” <br />Traffic control provided during construction will also be in conformance with California <br />MUTCD Section 8A.08 “Temporary Traffic Control Zones” which reads, in part, <br /> “When a grade crossing exists either within or in the vicinity of a temporary traffic control zone, lane restrictions, flagging…or other operations shall not be performed in a <br />manner that would cause highway vehicles to stop on the railroad…tracks, unless a <br />flagger or uniformed law enforcement officer is provided at the grade crossing to <br />minimize the possibility of highway vehicles stopping on the tracks, even if automatic warning devices are in place.” <br />“Public and private agencies, including emergency services, businesses, and <br />railroad…companies should meet to plan appropriate traffic detours and the necessary signing, <br />marking, and flagging requirements for operations during temporary traffic control zone activities. Consideration should be given to the length of time that the grade crossing is to be closed, the type of rail…and highway traffic affected, the time of day, and the materials and <br />techniques of repair.” <br /> <br />9. CEQA (Applicable only to grade-separation projects). If the project involves grade <br />separation of an existing at grade crossing, then either a copy of the Notice of Exemption from CEQA or other factual evidence that the project is exempt from Public Resources Code Section 21080.13 must be provided. <br /> <br />The project does not involve a grade separation.