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8I Consent Calendar 2019 0122
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2019 0122
8I Consent Calendar 2019 0122
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1/17/2019 6:13:38 PM
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1/17/2019 6:13:35 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Request for Authorization to Alter Highway-Rail Crossing Rev: 10-08-2015 <br />Pursuant to Commission General Order 88-B Page 2 of 5 <br />• Installation of a new detectable warning surfaces within the public sidewalks at four <br />locations in advance of the warning devices and consistent with Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG <br />Figure R305.2.5) at the crossing in eastbound and westbound pedestrian travel directions. <br />• Installation of new off-quadrant CPUC Standard 8 flashing light signal assemblies for <br />pedestrian sidewalk approaches to the rail crossing at two locations where pedestrians are walking against the flow of vehicle traffic. <br />• Removal and replacement of 24” white pavement limit lines on Davis Street (SR 112) in <br />accordance with Caltrans Standard Plan A24B. <br />• Installation of R8-8 “Do Not Stop on Tracks” and R15-8 “Look” signage per MUTCD <br />standards at all approaches to the crossing. <br />• Minor hot-mix asphalt repaving to correct uneven surfacing at the rail crossing. <br /> 5. Describe the public benefits to be achieved by the proposed alterations: <br />New off-quadrant CPUC Standard 8 assemblies will complement the existing CPUC Standard 9 <br />assemblies to warn pedestrians about an approaching train. Visually impaired pedestrians will <br />encounter detectable warning surfaces in advance of the tracks. Finally, enhanced pavement marking limit lines and new MUTCD signage will provide additional visual information to pedestrians and drivers who approach the rail crossing. <br /> <br />6. Explain why a separation of grades is not practicable: <br /> A grade separation is currently cost-prohibitive because the right-of-way is constrained by adjacent urbanized development including buildings, utilities, and similar underground/above <br />ground facilities in the immediate vicinity of this crossing. <br /> <br />7. Describe crossing warning devices <br />Current: Eastbound: CPUC Standard 9 assembly with separate crossing arm <br />assembly on the Davis Street (SR 112) roadside (flashing lights facing both <br />eastbound and westbound); CPUC Standard 9 assembly in the median island (flashing lights facing eastbound only). <br /> <br />Westbound: CPUC Standard 9 assembly with separate crossing arm <br />assembly on the Davis Street (SR 112) roadside (flashing lights facing both <br />eastbound and westbound); CPUC Standard 9 assembly in the median island (flashing lights facing westbound only). <br /> <br />Proposed: Eastbound: CPUC Standard 9 assembly with separate crossing arm <br />assembly on the Davis Street (SR 112) roadside (flashing lights facing both <br />eastbound and westbound); CPUC Standard 9 assembly in the median island <br />(flashing lights facing eastbound only). New off-quadrant CPUC Standard 8 <br />assembly in the public sidewalk for pedestrians walking against vehicle traffic.
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