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NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1. RECITALS MADE FINDINGS. The above recitals are hereby declared to <br />be true and correct and findings of the City Council of the City of San Leandro. <br />SECTION 2. AMENDMENT OF CODE. ARTICLES 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter 5-1, <br />"Encroachments", of Title 5 of the San Leandro Municipal Code are hereby amended as follows <br />(with text in strikeout indicating deletion and double underline indicating addition). Sections and <br />subsections that are not amended by this Ordinance are not included below, and shall remain in full <br />force and effect: <br />Chapter 5-1 Encroachments <br />Article 1. <br />General Provisions <br />Article 2. <br />Permit Requirements <br />Article 3. <br />Performance Of Work <br />Article 4. Sidewalks, Driveways, Curbs <br />Article 5. Moving Buildings, Oversized Vehicles Or Objects <br />Article 6. Miscellaneous <br />Article 1: General Provisions <br />5-1-100 DEFINITIONS. <br />Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions contained in this section shall govern the <br />construction of this Chapter. <br />(a) ENCROACH, ENCROACHMENT. "Encroach" or "encroachment' includes going upon, <br />over, under, or using any street in such a manner as to prevent, obstruct, or interfere with its normal <br />use, including, but not limited to, the performance thereon of any of the following acts: <br />(1) Excavating, filling or disturbing the street; <br />(2) Erecting or maintaining any post, pole, fence, guard rail, wall, loading platform, or <br />other structure on, over or under the street; <br />(3) Planting any tree, shrub or other growing thing within the street; <br />(4) Placing or leaving on the street any rubbish, brush, earth or other material of any nature <br />whatever; <br />(5) Constructing, placing, or maintaining on, over, under, or within the street any pathway, <br />sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, any culvert or other surface drainage or sub -surface <br />drainage facility, any pipe, conduit, wire, or cable; <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2019-001 5 <br />