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(6) Traveling on the street by any vehicle or combination of vehicles or object of <br />dimension, weight or other characteristic prohibited by law without a permit; <br />(7) Moving any building in, into, through or from the City of San Leandro on, over or <br />through any street; <br />(8) Lighting or building a fire; <br />(9) Constructing, placing, planting or maintaining any structure, embankment, excavation, <br />tree or other object adjacent to the street which causes or will cause an encroachment; <br />(10) Placing or causing to be placed any material, machinery or apparatus on the street <br />for building, paving or other purposes for over twenty-four (24) hours; er <br />(11) Placing street furniture, including bicycle racks, within the public right-of-way; <br />(12) Deploying, installing, or locating of Small Cell Wireless Facilities upon existing or <br />new structures within the public roadway right-of-way; <br />(13) Using, accessing, or connecting to conduits, circuits, panels, or related infrastructure <br />in connection with the deployment installation or location of Small Cell Wireless Facilities in the <br />public roadway right -of - <br />(b) PERMITTEE. "Permittee" means any person that proposes to do work or encroach upon a <br />street as herein defined and has been issued a permit for said encroachment by the Public Works <br />Director. <br />(c) PERSON. "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, association or corporation, <br />including any public agency or utility, or any agent or representative thereof and includes <br />successors in interest. <br />(d) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. "Public Works Director" shall mean the San Leandro Public <br />Works Director, Engineering and Transportation Director or designee. <br />(e) STREET. "Street" shall mean the full width of the right-of-way of any street, as defined in <br />the California Vehicle Code used by the general public, whether or not such street has been <br />accepted as and declared to be part of the City system of streets, including streets forming a part <br />of the State Highway System. "Street" also includes easements where the City is the grantee of the <br />easement and property owned by the City of San Leandro, the Redevelopment Agency of the City <br />of San Leandro or the Parking Authority of the City of San Leandro. <br />(f) SMALL CELL WIRELESS FACILITIES. "Small Cell Wireless Facilities" shall mean a <br />wireless telecommunications facility that meets each of the following conditions: <br />1) The structure on which antenna facilities are mounted: <br />a) Is 50 feet or less in height, or <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2019-001 6 <br />