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8E Consent 2019 0219
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Packet 2019 0219
8E Consent 2019 0219
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2/13/2019 6:36:26 PM
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2/13/2019 6:36:24 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 18-590 <br />BACKGROUND <br />Eden Road <br />The City of San Leandro General Plan includes a project to convert a private dirt road west of <br />Doolittle Drive at the northern edge of the City into a public street with pavement and all typical <br />improvements. This new street will be extended southward to connect with Davis Street. The <br />private dirt road, known as Eden Road, as well as 2512 Davis Street, have been purchased by <br />the City for this project. <br />In 2006 the City adopted a plan line for the new street setting forth the location of proposed new <br />improvements and in 2008 a consultant was hired to design the new roadway and estimate the <br />cost of the improvements. <br /> <br />Neptune Drive Shoreline Flood Protection <br />The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) adopted revised flood risk maps that <br />indicate increased risk of flooding to approximately 1,000 San Leandro properties. This flooding <br />risk is a result of a low spot on the shore of the San Francisco Bay near the intersection of <br />Neptune Drive and Marina Boulevard as well as the height of the levee along the Estudillo Canal. <br />The City hired a consultant to design and obtain approval for a project to build a levee along the <br />edge of the San Francisco Bay to prevent water from entering the neighborhood through the low <br />spot near Neptune Drive and Marina Boulevard. The Alameda County Flood Control District, <br />which provides flood protection for Alameda County, initiated a project to modify the levees along <br />the Estudillo Canal so that the canal will protect the adjacent neighborhood from a one hundred <br />year flood. <br />Analysis <br />The Eden Road and Neptune Drive Shoreline Flood Protection projects provide special benefits <br />to properties in the vicinity of the work. Special benefits are those benefits that are received by <br />some properties but no other properties. For example, the Eden Road project provides a storm <br />water collection benefit to properties that have frontage along the roadway and that same benefit <br />is not received by properties located elsewhere. Similarly, properties that have a reduced risk of <br />flooding due to the Neptune Drive Shoreline Flood Protection project receive benefit that is not <br />received by properties that are already outside the flood zone. California state law permits the <br />formation of special financing districts to collect special assessments for projects that provide <br />special benefit. The formation of these districts requires approval of the property owners or, in <br />some cases, the voters that are within the district. <br />A request for proposals for services related to the formation of two special financing districts was <br />issued on September 7, 2018. Five firms, including NBS, submitted proposals. As NBS has a <br />twenty-two year history of providing services related to special financing districts to government <br />agencies, publishes training materials on the subject, and proposed a modern solution for <br />financing of the Eden Road project, NBS was determined to be the most qualified consultant for <br />the projects. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2019
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