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File Number: 19-029 <br />Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000 (Library Bond <br />Act), San Leandro prepared conceptual plans for the replacement of the Manor Branch and the <br />Mulford-Marina Branch Libraries. Funded by Library Bond Act, the Manor Branch was <br />constructed in 2006. The Mulford-Marina Branch was not funded by the Library Bond Act, but the <br />City has now appropriated funds to demolish the existing library and construct a new library that is <br />approximately twice the size of the existing building. <br />Design of the building and outdoor space will be based upon input from the community and staff <br />to create a destination for learning and gathering, and providing a facility that will be a delight for <br />patrons to use for many years. The proposed 2,500 square foot building is anticipated to house a <br />collection of over 15,000 items, a meeting room, computer work stations or lounge seating areas <br />with computer access, and updated library technologies. An after-hours delivery system with <br />secured lockers is proposed. The new building will be designed to meet the Leadership in <br />Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver rating. <br />The library site is nestled in the Mulford Gardens neighborhood on the west side of the City, close <br />to Monarch Bay Drive and the proposed new Shoreline Development. A grove of trees adjacent <br />to the library is the winter habitat of the monarch butterfly. For more than a decade this library has <br />hosted an educational program that highlights the annual return of these exceptional creatures. It <br />is the intent of the library’s design to accommodate the continuation of this highly regarded <br />educational program and potentially add outdoor site features that strengthen this unique <br />environmental learning experience. <br />Analysis <br />Staff requested proposals for architectural design services for the replacement of a library facility; <br />the City received six qualified proposals. The request included a preference for local businesses. <br />However, none of the six proposers are located within San Leandro. Noll & Tam Architects was <br />selected as the most qualified firm to provide services based on technical ability presented and <br />an extensive portfolio of high quality similar projects, including libraries in Castro Valley, Hayward <br />and Los Gatos. <br />Noll & Tam Architects, located in Berkeley, was established in 1992. The firm specializes in <br />libraries and has programmed and designed more than forty public libraries in California. The <br />design process, including community meetings to gather local input, conceptual design, and <br />preparing construction documents, is anticipated to take approximately twelve months. <br />Resolution 2018-093 approved a Consulting Services Agreement with Noll & Tam Architects and <br />authorized the City Manager to make non-substantial revisions to the agreement. Prior to the <br />consultant execution of the agreement, updated cost estimates indicated the construction and <br />design costs were beyond the original budget. Design cost increased as a result of an expanded <br />scope that included LEED certification and additional outdoor education features. Construction <br />cost grew primarily from inflation and inclusion of outdoor education features. Staff presented this <br />information to the City Council Facilities Committee, which then directed staff to proceed with the <br />project. The consultant’s fee for the more expensive project is substantially greater than the fee <br />approved in Resolution 2018-093. Therefore, staff requests that the City approve the new <br />agreement and adopt a new Resolution 2019-030 consistent with those changes and <br />superseding Resolution 2018-093. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2019