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File Number: 19-122 <br />Over the last five years, the red light program reviewed an average of 9,998 violations. Staff <br />assigned to the program issued an average of 9,612 citations during that timeframe. For <br />calendar year 2017, the Redflex ARLE system captured 14,432 violations and program staff <br />issued 10,163 citations. Of those 10,163 citations, the violations breakdown as follows: <br />·Right turn violations = 88%, or 9,010 (this violation involves an offender driving through the <br />right turn at greater than 15 mph) <br />·Straight through red light violations = 8%, or 842 <br />·Left turn violations = 3%, or 311 <br />Redflex provided data for calendar year 2017 that shows fewer than 5% of citations issued were <br />repeat offenders-where the same driver was issued 2 or more violations. The 2017 repeat <br />offender data breaks down as follows: <br />·2 violations = 572 drivers <br />·3 violations = 61 drivers <br />·4 violations = 36 drivers <br />·2017 total repeat offender violations = 4.6% (or 669 out of 14,432 violations recorded) <br />The red light camera program fines are collected and apportioned according to California Penal <br />Code Section 1463.002. Each red light camera fine has a “base fine” of $100 with additional <br />fees added to that amount, including a fee for DNA examination funding for criminal cases, which <br />brings the total violation cost of over $500. Penal Code Section 1463.002 stipulates that the <br />County of Alameda receives 21% while San Leandro receives 9% of all fines, penalties, <br />forfeitures, or fees, of which red light camera violations would be considered “fines.” <br />Staff received Alameda County Superior Court citation data--between July 1, 2017 and June 30, <br />2018-that showed the Police Department filed 9,932 red light citations. Of those cases filed, <br />6,158 were upheld and 837-or 8%-were dismissed. Of those 6,158 citations upheld, 5,910 paid <br />their fine in full, 2,805 still had outcomes pending, 248 provided community service in lieu of a <br />fine, and 132 remained unpaid. The Court allows petitions to be made for economic hardship that <br />would reduce or outright waive the fine. Between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 the Court <br />authorized a reduction in fines in 1,384 cases, or 23%. <br />Finally, based on 2017 Redflex data, drivers from outside of San Leandro disproportionately <br />committed more red light violations than local residents. Of those 14,432 violations recorded, just <br />17% (2,762) were San Leandro residents (using the driver’s listed DMV address) whereas 83% <br />(or 13,768) of violations recorded were drivers from outside San Leandro. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/8/2019