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0 <br />Real proearty , in the City of San Le,,idro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING on the northeastern line of Bancroft Avenue at the <br />most western corner of the parcel of land described as PARCEL II <br />in the Final Order of Condemnation in the Superior Court of the <br />State of California for the County of Alameda in the case of <br />the City of San Leandro, municipal corporation, vs. Charles ; <br />H. Maskell and Ione F. Maskell, his wife, et al, recorded <br />July 1, 1959 in Book 9076, page 381, Official Records of <br />Alameda County; thence along the northwestern line of said <br />Parcel II north 41' 30' east 282 feet; thence north 481 30' <br />west 29:44 feet; thence south 56° 30' west 291.95 feet to the <br />northeastern line of Bancroft Avenue as described in parcel 6 <br />in the deed from the San -Leandro Unified School District of <br />Alameda County,•State of California, a public corporation, to <br />the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated <br />December 16, 1958, and recorded January 9, 1959 in Book 8898, <br />page 159, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the <br />said northeastern line of Bancroft Avenue south 480 30' east <br />105 feet to the point of beginning. <br />for a term commencing upon the execution hereof and running for 20 <br />years at a rental of $1.00 per annum, payable annually. The first <br />payment shall be upon the execution hereof, and thereafter in advance <br />. upon the second day of each and every January following. <br />2. USE. The demised premises shall be used solely for the <br />maintenance and operation thereon by City of a community recreation <br />park, which shall remain open to and be for the benefit of the public <br />generally. District may use said,community recreation park in <br />carrying out its program as the parties hereto may from time to <br />time agree. <br />3. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLETTING. This lease shall.not be assigned <br />or transferred, nor shall said City have the right to sublet the <br />leased premises or any part thereof without the consent in writing <br />of District. <br />4. REPAIRS. City shall at its own cost and expense maintain <br />the above described premises and any improvements and appurtenances <br />thereon in good order and safe, sanitary and clean condition, hereby <br />