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File Number: 19-309 <br />on May 20, 2019. Councilmember Lee motioned, seconded by Councilmember Ballew, to revise <br />the proposed ordinance by increasing the number of allowable rental days from 180 days to no <br />limits on days. Vice Mayor Lopez, seconded by Mayor Cutter, made a substitute motion to <br />approve the second reading of the ordinance as recommended by staff which passed by a vote <br />of 4-2. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Land Use 1.9 - Multi-Family Housing Upkeep. Maintain and enforce high standards of property <br />upkeep for existing and new multi-family rental housing development. <br />Land Use 1.9.B - Maintenance of Rental Properties. Pursue ordinance revisions and incentives to <br />ensure that landlords are held accountable for the appearance, maintenance, and safety of rental <br />properties, including yard areas and structures. <br />Land Use 3.10 - Market Rate Housing. Encourage the provision of a significant amount of <br />market-rate ownership and rental housing as part of an effort to maintain and diversify the City’s <br />economic base. <br />Economic Development 5.9 - Hospitality. Expand the hospitality sector in San Leandro, including <br />hotels and visitor services such as conference and meeting facilities. <br />Housing Policy 56.10 - Efficient Use of Housing Stock. Support programs that encourage the <br />more efficient use of existing single-family homes, for instance, roommate matching and shared <br />housing programs. This could also include opportunities for local homeowners to rent out rooms <br />in their homes for short-term stays, thereby providing an extra source of income which makes <br />their own housing more affordable. <br />Housing Policy 56.11 - Second Units. Recognize second units as an essential part of the City’s <br />housing stock and a resource for lower income households, students and young adults, seniors, <br />extended families and small households. Second units established prior to the adoption of the <br />1961 zoning code should be recognized as legal dwelling units and measures to legalize <br />unregistered units developed after 1961 should be explored. <br />Housing Policy 59.01 - Zoning Regulations. Ensure that the development standards, use <br />restrictions, parking requirements, and other regulations contained in the San Leandro Zoning <br />Code enable the production of housing for all income groups. Overly restrictive or redundant <br />requirements should be strongly discouraged. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (CEQA) under Section 15301 of the State CEQA Guidelines regarding existing facilities, <br />specifically operation and leasing of existing structures, and under the “general rule” at Section <br />15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the ordinance <br />may have a significant effect on the environment. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />729