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File Number: 19-309 <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney’s Office drafted the updated ordinance regulating hosted short term rentals. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Hosted short-term rentals will be subject to a fourteen percent (14%) Uniform Transient <br />Occupancy Tax as per Chapter 2-10 of the Municipal Code. A City business license with <br />Transient Occupancy Registration will be required of anyone operating a short-term rental <br />business. The average short term rental listing in San Leandro is approximately $75 a night, <br />generating $10.50 in revenue. Given the low number of listed properties, the amount of tax <br />revenue generated by enabling hosted short term rentals is projected to be relatively small and <br />not likely to fully recover the cost of processing and enforcement. <br />The City will incur additional staff time and postage costs to perform neighbor notification <br />services. Neighbor notifications routinely generate follow-up questions that contribute to the <br />Permit Center’s customer service workload. <br />The annual cost of third party short term rental data monitoring and tax collection assistance <br />services are approximately $3,500 to $13,000 per year with the lower amount being for basic <br />data monitoring services and the upper end for tax collection enforcement assistance. Pricing <br />varies with the number of short term rental properties. San Leandro appears to fall within the <br />lower volume range (e.g., under 150 units). <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Ordinance to add Chapter 4-40 to the San Leandro Municipal Code to Regulate Hosted <br />Short Term Rentals of Residential Dwelling Units. <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Andrew J. Mogensen, AICP, Planning Manager <br />Richard D. Pio Roda, City Attorney <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />730