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10B Action 2019 0603
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Packet 2019 0603
10B Action 2019 0603
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5/29/2019 3:41:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-280 <br />Hosted short term rentals are prohibited in secondary dwelling units (ADUs). <br />4-40-130 Standards. <br />All hosted short-term rentals shall conform to the following standards: <br />a) All hosted short-term rentals are limited to a total of 180 calendar days per permit term. <br />Portions of calendar days shall count as full days. <br />b) The dwelling unit that includes the hosted short-term rental must be the permittee’s <br />primary, permanent residence. <br />c) If the permittee is not the owner, the permittee must have the owner’s written permission to <br />operate a hosted short-term rental on the property. <br />d) The dwelling unit must have a smoke detector, a fire extinguisher, a carbon monoxide <br />detector, and adequate egress, all as required by current codes and regulations. <br />e) The permittee shall post in a prominent place within the dwelling unit a diagram of exits, <br />fire extinguisher locations, Fire and Police Department phone numbers, the permittee’s <br />contact information, and the City Noise Ordinance hours. <br />f) The permittee must obtain and maintain a current Business License and pay Transient <br />Occupancy Tax as may be required by the San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />g) The permittee must inform and update the City regarding what advertising platforms are in <br />use to advertise the dwelling unit or bedroom for hosted short-term rental. <br />h) The hosted short-term rental shall not result in a nuisance. The permittee shall post or <br />provide a good neighbor policy in the dwelling unit that at a minimum includes the <br />maximum occupancy, smoking regulations, compliance with all laws, instructions on <br />managing noise or any other disturbance (including but not limited to the quiet and orderly <br />arrival and departure of renters), parking restrictions, emergency procedures, <br />neighborhood information including but not limited to local restaurants, retail stores, food <br />markets, and points of interest, and property upkeep, including but not limited to trash <br />disposal. <br />i) Parking shall be only in designated or available parking spaces upon the property. <br />Permittee shall instruct its renters or guests to not park on public streets. <br />j) Cameras, including but not limited to security cameras whether they have recording <br />capability or not, shall be prohibited in all bedrooms, and bathrooms. Sound receiving or <br />recording capabilities on all cameras shall be off during a hosted short term rental. <br />4-40-140 Application. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />733
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