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File Number: 19-079 <br />Overall, the Biennial Budget expenditures proposed for 2019-20 and 2020-21 total $185.9 million <br />and $190.8 million, respectively. The City’s General Fund accounts for $116.8 million in 2019-20, <br />and $120.3 million in 2020-21. The SARA is $6.3 million and $6.8 million for 2019-20 and <br />2020-21, respectively. Enterprise activities (Water Pollution Control Plant, Environmental <br />Services, Shoreline and Storm Water) are $18.9 million and $20.7 million for 2019-20 and <br />2020-21, respectively. Capital Improvement activities are $5.3 million and $5.0 million for <br />2019-20 and 2020-21, respectively (note the Financial Software System Installment 1 is reflected <br />on the CIP list and funding is captured in the Information Technology Internal Service Fund for <br />$300,000); and all other fund activities equal $38.6 million and $37.9 million for 2019-20 and <br />2020-21, respectively. <br />Staff began planning the 2019-20 and 2020-21 biennial budget in the summer of 2018, and <br />started discussions with the City Council Finance Committee regarding a comprehensive <br />financial forecast model. On January 28, 2019 the financial forecast model was presented to City <br />Council during a work session for hands-on use and assumption changes. As part of the Biennial <br />Budget process, the City Council reaffirmed its vision for the City during its Annual Planning <br />session February 2, 2019. These areas of focus help set the framework for the City’s budget <br />development. Since January, staff has continued biennial budget discussions with the City <br />Council through a CIP work session and budget presentation during a Council meeting that <br />focused on budget forecasts, net post employment liabilities, service initiatives and the City’s <br />capital needs. <br />Budget Analysis <br />A number of factors influence the long-term fiscal health of the City: <br />·Net post employment liabilities <br />·Service level demands <br />·CalPERS rate change impact <br />·Labor agreements <br />·Community and social service programs support <br />·Fire contract services, equipment and increased CalPERS and OPEB costs <br />·Maintain reserve levels <br />·Capital Improvement Program <br />The 2019-20 and 2020-21 General Fund Biennial Budget reflects revenue growth largely <br />attributed to sales tax revenues associated with Measure HH. The strong East Bay housing <br />market helps City property tax revenues with increased assessed values from 5.7% to 6.2%. <br />Strong revenues, combined with an organizational commitment to hold the line on new <br />expenditures, has resulted in a proposed budget that is balanced without the use of reserves for <br />2019-20. <br />The General Fund disbursements include $10.6 million transfers out to other funds during the next <br />two years. Of the total $10.6 million, $300,000 would go directly to the Information Technology <br />Fund for Enterprise Resource Planning software and $10.3 million would fund a variety of capital <br />improvements, including streets, Farrelly Pool, and City buildings. <br />In addition to the General Fund, the City maintains other key revenue funds that range from the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />12