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detectable beyond the subject property. The City may require noncompliant <br />tenants to install odor control measures including but not limited to the installation <br />of air filters or odor control systems. <br />E. Outdoor loudspeakers and public announcement systems shall be prohibited <br />from installation and use. <br />F. No use, activity, or process shall produce vibrations that are perceptible without <br />instruments by a reasonable person at the property lines of the site. <br />G. No use, process, or activity shall produce dust that is perceptible without <br />instruments by a reasonable person at the property lines of the site. <br />H. Construction and building permit plans shall include provisions for a grease trap <br />subject to Alameda County Environmental Health Department specification and <br />requirements. <br />Tree removal, trimming, and other vegetation removal to be completed between <br />August 16 and January 31, outside bird nesting season. If work must occur during <br />nesting season a survey shall be conducted by a qualified wildlife biologist no <br />more than 14 days prior to the start of project activities. If active nests are <br />identified, a no disturbance buffer of 25-500 feet (depending on species and <br />setting) would be established around each nest until the young are fledged or the <br />nest becomes inactive. <br />J. Applicant shall pay its City development, permitting, and plan check fees in <br />accordance with the fee schedules in effect at the time. <br />K. Any outstanding Planning Services deposit fees or balance shall be paid prior to <br />issuance of a building permit. <br />L. The approvals granted by the City as a result of this application, as well as the <br />Conditions of Approval, shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County. <br />Agreement to Conditions March 7, 2019 <br />PLN 18-0047 Page 15 of 15 <br />