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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Contractor shall provide special knowledge, advice, services and skill, and shall do each of the following: <br />(a) Provide City of San Leandro (hereafter "City") staff and/or elected officials with timely <br />information regarding State legislation and administrative matters significantly affecting City <br />program responsibilities, authority and resources; <br />(b) Provide advice regarding effective strategies for promoting City interests and priorities within <br />the legislative and executive branches of State government; <br />( c) Represent City in public and private meetings of State legislative and administrative officials, <br />committees and bodies, including representation in legislative committee hearings and hearings <br />of administrative or regulatory bodies; <br />( d) Assist in securing enactment of City-sponsored legislative proposals and in securing the <br />allocation of State funds to the City, including assistance in crafting applications for State grants; <br />(e) Consult with elected City officials, the City Manager, or City staff to help produce for review by <br />the City Council a work program for the ensuing calendar year that will describe specifically the <br />legislative priorities, sponsorship proposals and advocacy efforts to be undertaken by the <br />Contractor. This work program shall be referred to as City's "Legislative Program" for the <br />affected calendar year; <br />(f) From time to time upon request and as permitted by law, arrange for meetings involving City <br />officials in Sacramento or other locations in California; <br />(g) Facilitate, if necessary, the participation of key City staff or officials in State-level activities <br />significantly affecting programmatic or fiscal relationships between the State and the City; <br />(h) Monitor and report on the State Budget and work when appropriate to secure or protect funding <br />per the City's interests; <br />(i) On occasion, meet in San Leandro with City officials or staff when necessary or when requested; <br />(j) Provide, on a monthly basis, an electronic report/invoice specific to the City of San Leandro <br />outlining any work completed the prior month to further advance the City's interests. This <br />report also may include, ifrelevant, updates on the status oflegislation or committee analyses <br />that may be of concern. <br />(k) Provide an annual report providing an overview of the work completed the past year and a <br />forecast of important issues for the upcoming year. <br />(1) Comply with all State or other laws regulating the activities ofregistered lobbyists, and prepare <br />on the City's behalf such reports oflobbyist employers as may be required by State law or <br />administrative requirements. <br />Consulting S.ervices Agreement between <br />City of San Leandro and Townsend Public Affairs -Exhibit A <br />February 18, 2014 <br />Page 1 of 1 203