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Applicants shall follow the directions provided in the PCBs in Priority Building Materials <br />Screening Assessment Applicant Package (Applicant Package), which includes an overview of <br />the process, Applicant instructions, a process flow chart, a screening assessment form, and the <br />Protocol for Assessing Priority PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition. Per the <br />Applicant Package, for certain types of buildings built within a specified date range, the <br />Applicant must conduct further assessment to determine whether or not PCBs are present at <br />concentrations ≥ 50 ppm. This determination shall be made via existing data on specific product <br />formulations (if available), or via conducting representative sampling of the priority building <br />materials and analyzing the samples for PCBs at a certified analytical laboratory. Any <br />representative sampling and analysis must be conducted in accordance with the Protocol for <br />Assessing Priority PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition. The Applicant <br />Package shall provide additional details. <br />Section 6. Agency Notification, Abatement, and Disposal for Identified PCBs <br />When the PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment identifies one or more <br />Priority Building Materials with PCBs, the Applicant must comply with all related applicable <br />federal and state laws, including potential notification of the appropriate regulatory agencies, <br />including EPA, the Regional Water Board, and/or the DTSC. Agency contacts are provided in <br />the Applicant Package. Additional sampling for and abatement of PCBs may be required. <br />Depending on the approach for sampling and removing building materials containing PCBs, the <br />Applicant shall notify or seek advance approval from USEPA before building demolition. Even <br />in circumstances where advance notification to or approval from USEPA is not required before <br />the demolition activity, the disposal of PCBs waste shall remain regulated under Toxic <br />Substances Control Act (TSCA). Additionally, the disposal of PCBs waste shall remain subject <br />to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Section 66262. Additional information shall be <br />in the Applicant Package. <br />Section 7. Compliance with California and Federal PCBs Laws and Regulations <br />Applicants must comply with all Federal and California laws and regulations, including but not <br />limited to health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations, that relate to management and <br />cleanup of any and all PCBs, including but not limited to PCBs in Priority Building Materials, <br />other PCBs-contaminated materials, PCBs-contaminated liquids, and PCBs waste. <br />Section 8. Information Submission and Applicant Certification <br />(a) The Applicant shall conduct a PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment and <br />submit the associated information and results as part of the building demolition permit <br />application, including the following (see Applicant Package for more details): <br /> 1. Owner and project information, including location, year building was built, description <br /> of building construction type, and anticipated demolition date. <br /> 2. Determination of whether the building proposed for demolition is high priority for <br /> PCBs-containing building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction. <br />224