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5B Public Hearings 2019 0715
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Packet 2019 0715
5B Public Hearings 2019 0715
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7/9/2019 10:18:50 PM
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7/9/2019 10:16:14 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-378 <br />and avoids injury to fish / wildlife and their respective habitats; <br />·The design of the subdivision will not cause serious health problems; and <br />·The design of the subdivision will not conflict with any existing easements. <br />Permitted Use - Mixed-use residential is permitted in the DA-1-Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning <br />District and ground floor retail is required (and provided) facing Washington Avenue. <br />Plan Review / Analysis - The applicant provided a development plan that was thoroughly vetted <br />by multiple city departments and approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The project is in <br />line with the City’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) strategy goals for downtown, which <br />strives to provide mixed-use retail and multi-family residential in the downtown area to increase <br />public transit ridership and to enhance the downtown area. The development’s primary goal is to <br />provide high quality condominiums that are for sale and/or depending on the market, apartment <br />units, along with moderate- and low-income inclusionary units. Langon Construction has a history <br />in San Leandro of designing and building high-quality projects such as Toscani Place and Arbor <br />Place. For the development at 268 Parrott St., Langon Construction collaborated with a qualified <br />and well-regarded architect with a depth of design experience in in-fill and mixed-use <br />developments. <br />The project at 268 Parrott St will fulfill multiple City development goals and provide high quality <br />“for sale” and/or apartment units while also providing much needed affordable housing units. The <br />commercial space incorporates ample flexibility to become either a neighborhood serving <br />commercial retail space or a restaurant. <br />Building - 268 Parrott St. meets requirements for lot size, width, height, setbacks, floor area ratio <br />(FAR), and coverage. The four-story building is sensitively designed to maximize the <br />development of the lot while also respecting the neighboring buildings by identifying and <br />minimizing views into and out of neighboring windows. The contemporary building façade <br />incorporates a mix of three colors and three materials and provides significant streetscape <br />improvements along both major building elevations (along Parrott St. and Washington Ave.). A <br />high level of attention went into the building design to create a welcoming façade that <br />complements the respective street frontages while providing for amply spaced, yet semi-private, <br />residential balconies. <br />Surrounding Area - The project site is centrally located in the downtown retail core. The site is <br />south of W. Juana Avenue, west of Washington Avenue, east of Hays Street and north of Parrott <br />Street and is one block away from East. 14th St., the City’s main north-south arterial, with several <br />AC Transit bus stops. The San Leandro BART Station is 4 blocks to the west. Freeway entrances <br />for both Interstate 880 and Interstate 580 are about one mile from the site. Washington Avenue in <br />front of the property has a bike lane which connects to the greater, citywide bike network. <br />Site Improvements - The streetscape along both Parrott Street and Washington Avenue will be <br />improved with new decorative paving, street trees, landscaped planting beds, and new curb and <br />gutters creating a welcoming, pedestrian-oriented street environment. <br />Parking -The ground floor parking garage is 10,459 sf providing 26 standard spaces, 1 <br />accessible space, 3 motorcycle/scooter spaces and ±18 bicycle spaces. Five off-street parking <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />32
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