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10A Action 2019 1007
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2019 1007
10A Action 2019 1007
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br /> <br />RFP No. 57818 – Design Services for a Treatment Wetland Page 10 of 43 <br /> <br />a. Discuss how the Proposer will conduct the identified task, identify deliverables, and <br />propose a schedule for the tasks described in Section IV. The Work Plan should <br />discuss the tasks in sufficient detail to demonstrate a clear understanding of the <br />project and component tasks, as well as assumptions made. The Work Plan may <br />include additional tasks or sub-tasks the Proposer believes necessary to accomplish <br />the project goals. The schedule should show the expected sequence of tasks, subtasks, <br />and milestones. <br />b. Provide a staffing plan for each task. Provide an organizational chart that shows the <br />roles and responsibilities of key personnel and reporting structure, including reporting <br />and communication relationships between the City, Consultant staff, and <br />subcontractors, if any. <br />c. Describe the approach to managing resources and maintaining quality results. Include <br />a description of the role of any subcontractors, their specific responsibilities, and how <br />their work will be supervised to maintain quality results. <br />d. Identify and explain any problem areas and/or potential obstacles (such as <br />maintaining schedule, budget overruns, feasibility, etc.) to successful completion of <br />the Scope of Services (Section IV). Discuss methods, formal and informal, that you <br />will use to track and resolve these problems/obstacles during the project. <br />4. A succinct description (one page maximum) of the Consultant’s pertinent project <br />experience, including a list of recently performed relevant projects, past performance, <br />individual or team accomplishments, and examples of similar experiences working for <br />similar communities, including the names and contact information of references, <br />including at least three (3) public agencies located within California. The Selection <br />Committee may contact any references listed in order to verify background and <br />experience at any time during the selection process. <br />5. A clear and comprehensive Cost Proposal, including a detailed statement of hourly rates <br />for all positions and classifications of individuals involved, including rates for sub- <br />consultants and reimbursable expenses. The schedule should clearly explain all billable <br />costs related to the services provided. Work progress estimation and billing methodology <br />should also be clearly described. <br />6. At least one sample of a written technical report or memo and two samples of material <br />developed for a similar study effort. The samples must have been prepared by key <br />members of the Proposer’s team and should identify the authors. Only one copy of each <br />sample is required, and the samples will be returned after SOQ evaluation, upon request. <br />The samples will be considered in evaluating firm and staff expertise and experience, and <br />written presentation effectiveness. <br />7. A statement indicating that the firm has reviewed the City’s Standard Consulting Services <br />Agreement, Attachment A, and is able to meet the Agreement requirements. <br /> <br />The proposal shall be limited to fifteen (15) pages, exclusive of prepared company documents, <br />pre-printed resumes, and similar material that the proposer believes will aid in determining its <br />qualifications for the project. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />196
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