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File Number: 19-538 <br />MacArthur Boulevard project based on the attached Findings of Fact and subject to the <br />recommended Conditions of Approval. <br />3. Adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Map No. 8422 to merge five parcels and <br />subdivide into 20 townhome condominium units at 311 MacArthur Boulevard. <br />RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING AREA <br />The subject property is located at 311 MacArthur Boulevard, bounded by MacArthur Boulevard to <br />the east, Broadmoor Boulevard to the north, Herma Court to the west, and one- and two-story <br />single-family homes sharing the block immediately to the south. It is located at the northeastern <br />edge of the city, approximately 350 feet south of the City of Oakland border. The majority of the <br />property is zoned CC Commercial Community, with an approximately 6,680-square-foot portion <br />of two parcels fronting Herma Court that are zoned RS Residential Single-Family. Adjacent <br />small-scale commercial uses along MacArthur Boulevard include a restaurant, a barber shop, a <br />hair salon, and a clothing store. <br />The project is connected to the greater citywide bike network via a southbound Class II bike lane <br />beginning in front of the project site along MacArthur Boulevard, paired with a Class I shared bike <br />lane in the northbound direction. Several AC Transit bus routes stop directly in front of the project <br />site on MacArthur Boulevard (Routes 34, 35, and NX3) and the freeway entrance for Interstate <br />580 is approximately 0.6 miles away. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject property is currently developed with a two-story, approximately 13,600-square-foot <br />building that will be vacated by Stepping Stones Growth Center, a non-profit social services <br />organization that is in the process of relocating all of its programs. The building was built in 1939 <br />with an addition in 1948. The existing building and façade has had a number of modifications and <br />renovations for various tenants over the years. There are currently 29 surface parking spaces <br />clustered on the northern corner of the site, with access curb cuts located on both MacArthur <br />Boulevard and Herma Court. <br />North Area Specific Plan (1991) <br />The site is located within the City’s North Area Specific Plan area, which identifies the MacArthur <br />Boulevard corridor as an area for enhanced streetscaping. The project site itself is in what the <br />Specific Plan calls the Transition District, which are areas adjacent to retail and service clusters <br />that permit higher density residential development-including up to 30 units per acre along <br />MacArthur Boulevard. <br />MacArthur Streetscape Plan (2001) <br />The development is located in the North MacArthur subarea, which encourages improvement and <br />redevelopment of corner and “gap” properties. <br />Resolution No. 2007-072 (2007) <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />14