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File Number: 19-538 <br />The Planned Development proposal requests exceptions to the following minimum requirements <br />listed in the Zoning Code: <br />·Use: The proposal involves developing one duplex and three multi-family residential <br />townhome buildings, where the Zoning Code provides for either a single-family residence <br />in the RS District (ZC §2-506) or a multi-family project with a Conditional Use Permit in the <br />CC District (ZC §2-606). The duplex is proposed on Herma Court, adjacent to other <br />duplexes in the RD Residential Duplex zone. The proposed multi-family townhomes are all <br />located in the CC Commercial Community District, where multi-family residential is <br />conditionally permitted. <br />·Setbacks: The plan proposes eight-foot front setbacks along MacArthur Boulevard, where <br />the CC zoning requires 10 feet. The plan also proposes reducing the 15-foot setback <br />required for yards abutting R Districts: A six-foot rear setback at the narrowest point <br />between Building C and the rear property line of 370 Herma Court; and a six-foot side <br />setback between the duplex and 338 Herma Court (ZC §2-680). Reduced setbacks are <br />appropriate in these locations because the plan is proposing six-foot setbacks between <br />two residential uses, where a five-foot setback would otherwise be required for <br />single-family residential. With the rezone from RS to CC, the 10-foot front setback for the <br />duplex along Herma Court would meet the requirements of the CC minimum yard <br />standards. <br />·Daylight Plane: The three-story duplex Building D along Herma Court encroaches within <br />the daylight plane required by zoning in a C District abutting an R District. (ZC §2-680). <br />The intention for the daylight plane requirement is to create a larger separation between <br />commercial and residential buildings when they are adjacent to one another. In the <br />proposal, despite the zoning, both land uses are residential and the proposed <br />development is set back six feet from the property line and 12’-5” from the nearest existing <br />residential property which provides for adequate light and air. In addition, given the angle <br />and cardinal direction of the duplex, the greatest amount of shadow during a winter <br />solstice will be oriented towards the northeast, away from existing adjacent single-family <br />homes. <br />·Parking: The development proposes 40 enclosed garage spaces and five uncovered <br />off-street guest spaces, where the Zoning Code requires 38 covered and 11 uncovered <br />off-street spaces (ZC §4-1704). Given the 10 on-street parking spaces on MacArthur <br />Boulevard and the project’s close proximity to transit, bicycle infrastructure and distance <br />from neighborhood-serving businesses, the project has adequate access to alternative <br />transportation options and the proposed reduction in on-site guest parking would be <br />appropriate. <br />Tentative Map <br />The applicant has submitted a proposed Tentative Tract Map 8422 for condominium purposes. <br />The subject property consists of five parcels, which would be merged and subdivided into 20 <br />condominium units. Land division into five or more units requires a Tentative Map (Community <br />Development Department) and a Final Map (Engineering Department). The purpose of a <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />17