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File Number: 19-538 <br />September 5, 2019. Approximately 15 people were in the audience. The applicant’s team and six <br />individuals spoke on the proposed project at the hearing. All six individuals expressed concerns <br />or opposed the project. <br />Following questions and deliberation, Commissioner Houston motioned to approve the <br />resolution, seconded by Commissioner Boldt, recommending City Council approval of the <br />proposed project with the following conditions: <br />1. Lighted, signalized (flashing beacon) crosswalk on MacArthur Boulevard, near <br />Broadmoor. <br />2. Speed bumps on Herma Court. <br />3. Parking shall be required in garages to be identified in the Covenants, Conditions & <br />Restrictions (CC&R’s) and enforced by the Homeowners Association (HOA). <br />Following the Planning Commission hearing, the Engineering and Transportation Department <br />evaluated the conditions for crosswalk signaling and speed bumps. A pedestrian crosswalk <br />evaluation concluded that adding a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) would enhance <br />pedestrian safety on MacArthur Boulevard near Broadmoor Boulevard, and the use of RRFB is a <br />warranted recommended condition of approval. However, Engineering and Transportation <br />disagreed with the Planning Commission’s recommendation to add a speed bump on Herma <br />Court because the new 20-unit development generates less traffic than the current land use and <br />the installation of speed bumps in this instance does not meet the City’s criteria. <br />SUMMARY OF PUBLIC OUTREACH EFFORTS <br />On November 2, 2018, the developer’s team mailed informational flyers to approximately 200 <br />neighbors and neighborhood groups (see attachment) and received no feedback. <br />On July 17, 2019, as per standard procedure, City staff reached out to the San Leandro Unified <br />School District for review and comment on the proposed project. Both the superintendent and the <br />assistant superintendent had no comments. The standard conditions of approval for payment of <br />school impact fees are included. <br />On August 23, 2019, a legal notice was published in the East Bay Times Daily Review <br />newspaper and a mailing notice for the September 5, 2019 Planning Commission hearing was <br />sent to property owners and businesses within a 500-foot radius of the subject property, and to <br />the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association. A notice was posted at City Hall as well as on two <br />locations on Herma Court and MacArthur Boulevard. <br />On October 7, 2019, a legal notice was published in the East Bay Times Daily Review <br />newspaper, and a mailing notice for the October 21, 2019 City Council hearing was sent to <br />property owners and businesses within a 500-foot radius of the subject property, and to the <br />Broadmoor Neighborhood Association. A notice was posted at City Hall as well as on two <br />locations on Herma Court and MacArthur Boulevard. <br />Staff did not receive any public comments following the conclusion of the Planning Commission <br />hearing and the filing of this staff report for City Council. <br />LEGAL ANALYSIS <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />20