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File Number: 19-560 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Article 19, Section <br />15303(b), new construction in urbanized areas of not more than six units is categorically exempt <br />from CEQA. The proposed project site has no value for endangered or rare or threatened <br />species, would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air or water quality and <br />all required utilities and public services can adequately serve the site. The existing home to be <br />demolished is not listed in the City’s Historic Register of Properties and was determined to not <br />be of significance in a site assessment prepared for the project. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND ACTIONS <br />The Planning Commission considered the proposed project at a regular public hearing held on <br />October 3, 2019. The applicant’s team and two individuals spoke on the proposed project at the <br />hearing. Neither individuals objected to the project but both expressed concerns regarding <br />parking demand. <br />Following questions and deliberations, the Planning Commission recommended City Council <br />approval of the proposed project with the following recommended conditions: <br />·Kitchen appliances and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) shall be electric. <br />·Solar panels shall be installed to supplement utility power. <br />·The City Council shall maintain the ability to revisit this Planned Development to correct <br />parking problems should they arise. <br />Electric HVAC and Appliances. San Leandro does not currently have either an ordinance or <br />formal policies in place to support a condition to require all electric appliances and HVAC <br />systems on this Project. The City Council may impose conditions on a development so long as <br />the condition is reasonable and there exists a sufficient nexus between the condition being <br />imposed and the projected burden on the proposed development. Without an ordinance or study <br />supported by data and a clear understanding of policy implications on developers, homeowners, <br />renters, and City staff, staff believes and recommends to the City Council that imposing this <br />requirement as a condition of approval is not justified. <br />Solar Panels. Starting January 2020, the California Energy Code will require solar panels for all <br />new single-family and multi-family residential construction of three stories or less. Given that this <br />project will be issued building permits after January 2020, the Planning Commission’s <br />recommended condition of approval to require solar panels is duplicative and unnecessary. <br />Residential Parking. All residents and their guests are conditioned to park on-site and in <br />designated garages and/or guest spaces. Based on the Planning Commission’s <br />recommendation, staff has included a condition of approval that the City Council shall maintain <br />the ability to revisit the Planned Development entitlement and set a new public hearing date to <br />correct parking problems should they arise. <br />SUMMARY OF PUBLIC OUTREACH EFFORTS <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2019 <br />16