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<br /> <br />RFP No. 58012 Page 3 of 36 <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SELECTION AND SUPPLY OF POLYMER FOR THE CITY OF SAN <br />LEANDRO WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT <br /> <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro desires to solicit qualified proposals for Polymer Services in accordance <br />with this Request for Proposals (RFP). Award resulting from this RFP will be a contract with an <br />initial term of three years with an option for three additional one-year extensions. <br /> <br />I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) uses polymer for two plant <br />processes: to thicken waste activated sludge using a rotating drum thickener and to thicken <br />discharge from the digester using a belt press. This RFP is for both selecting the best polymer <br />for each of these situations and providing the polymer. <br /> <br />II. PROJECT OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES <br /> <br />Because sludge components change over time and as new polymers are being developed, it is <br />expected that testing of polymer to find the least expensive option will need to occur two to <br />four times per year. Based on the outcome of these tests, WPCP staff will order polymer as <br />needed. <br /> <br />The objective is to find the best polymer for the WPCP processes, sludge makeup and budget. <br />The least expensive polymer may not be the cheapest per pound; other factors such as required <br />concentration for optimal effectiveness will need to be considered. <br /> <br />The plant processes about 83,000 gallons of waste activated sludge per day. The digesters <br />discharge about 48,000 gallons per day with about 1100 dry tons per year, thickened to <br />approximately 15% solids. <br /> <br />III. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Task 1: Perform tests as necessary to determine the optimal polymer for each purpose. The <br />tests will include jar testing and other methodology as described in the proposal. <br /> <br />Task 2: Arrange for delivery of the polymer. Provide a commitment for lead time for ordering <br />additional polymer. <br /> <br />IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />Successful proposals shall include: <br /> <br />1. Description of methodology to be used to determine the best polymer for each <br />application <br />125