<br />Lifeline Grant Cycle 3 ($185,000/yr) 332,250 38,750
<br />Measure BB Grant 0 250,000 264000
<br />Kaiser Shuttle & TDM Mgmt. 81,165 434,831 444,549 545,249 482,133 131,108
<br />Other - Shuttle Services, Advertising 2,545 8,121 4,375 3,000 5,500 8,137 6,000 6,000
<br />Interest 318 -22 210 468 1,293 914 1,809 6,552
<br />Total Income:320,814 238,359 334,550 872,679 1,211,442 1,068,334 1,133,732 605,135 784,000 806,000
<br />Expenses:
<br />LINKS Shuttle - Transportation 237,796 232,317 222,486 330,677 430,221 536,927 599,102 590,644 682,000 700,000
<br />Kaiser Shuttle - Transportation 32,405 348,602 314,756 443,230 493,048
<br />Executive Director 22,000 22,000 36,200 40,000
<br />Galvan/Transit Strategies 9,537 47,635 73,269
<br />Consulting Services - SLTMO Admin 95,048 83,960 60,880 65,121 62,000 62,000
<br />Consulting (Audit and Rider Survey)34,066 6,861 5,000 0 0 10,000 10,000
<br />Marketing, Advertising, and Misc.2,917 5,391 15,105 2,624 1,256 0 8,934 5,000 5,000
<br />Insurance, Tax Return, Bank Charges, Non-Profit
<br />Fees 2,265 922 1,179 1,337 3,687 3,069 4,089 5,270 5,000 5,000
<br />City Administration/Accounting
<br />Improvements/Technology (Nextbus)48,406 5,736 6,000 6,000
<br />Total Expenses:262,061 267,693 379,362 815,851 846,336 1,073,442 1,205,525 675,705 770,000 788,000
<br />Net Income 58,753 -29,334 -44,812 56,828 365,106 -5,108 -71,793 -70,570 14,000 18,000
<br />2015-16 Net Income - Appears high because 90% of the two-year Lifeline Cycle 3 grant was drawn in 2015-16 making the rev. for that year appear high.
<br />2017-18 Deficit - Reflects Kaiser payments not received and 13 months of transportation costs for Links and Kaiser Shuttle.
<br />2018-19 Deficit - Reflects FY 18-19 TFCA & Measure BB Grants which will be received in FY 19-20
<br />2019-20 Transportation costs increase due to full year at new rate.
<br />95,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
<br />367,921 400,381 409,338 413,000 421,000
<br />RDA/City Contribution 50,000 50,000
<br />Business Improvement District 131,210 128,423 141,957 334,259 326,475
<br />181,409
<br />37,500 12,500 0 65,000 65,000
<br />Lifeline Grant Cycle 3 Supplemental 72,681 62,458 108,673
<br />TFCA Grant 66,605 47,500 45,000 7,500
<br />Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget
<br />FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
<br />Actual Actual Actual Actual
<br />EXHIBIT C - LINKS BUDGET FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16
<br />39