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File Number: 19-657 <br />The total value of CWA projects awarded since its execution is $44.98m. As approximately 60% <br />of the projects awarded are for street reconstruction, rehabilitation and sealing, similar trades, <br />such as operator/engineers, laborers, cement masons and electricians, are used for each <br />contract. For those projects accepted by the City Council thus far, there has been no participation <br />by San Leandro apprentices. <br />Analysis <br />Creation of Data Driven Local Hire Goals <br />Staff noticed failure to meet the CWA goals early in the first year of the CWA and began working <br />with the Joint Administrative Committee union representatives as well as pre-apprenticeship and <br />training programs to identify solutions to address the low rates of resident participation. Staff <br />determined that acquiring data that accurately captures the current labor market is critical to <br />creating informed local hire goals that could potentially be more realistic for contractors to <br />achieve. Towards that end, the City is currently partnering with other local agencies who have <br />project labor agreements to procure data that elucidates trends for San Leandro and the region <br />for current and near future East Bay construction labor supply and demand and summarizes best <br />practices related to Project Labor Agreements/CWAs. This data will be available in August 2020 <br />and will be helpful in creating data-driven local hire goals and realistic provisions in the future <br />iterations of the CWA. The City’s CWA Administrator was selected to sit on the advisory board <br />for this project and as such, is positioned to advocate for data that will be most useful for San <br />Leandro. <br />Efficacy of Alameda County Second Tier Local Hire Goal <br />Maintaining a second tier, “back up” goal of Alameda County resident hires is problematic for <br />several reasons. The amount of effort required of City staff to ensure compliance for the current <br />two-tiered local hire system is unrealistic and thus a challenge. <br />If the City only has one local hire goal, and contractors meet that goal, then compliance efforts <br />evaluating contractors’ Good Faith Efforts (GFE) are significantly reduced or eliminated. If the <br />contractors request San Leandro residents from the hall and there are none available, then a <br />simple GFE check will suffice. <br />The second tier local hire goal is also a challenge as it is currently difficult to identify how <br />successful efforts by the City, the Trades Council and contractors are at meeting the San Leandro <br />local hire goal because the goal is diluted. If the Alameda County Hire tier was eliminated, then all <br />of the contractors’ and trades’ efforts would be focused on preparing, recruiting and hiring only <br />San Leandro residents and demand for those workers would thus increase. The City would have <br />better data to ascertain whether the current local hire goal is reasonable given trends observed <br />over a period of time with a single local hire goal in place. <br />The current process requires a significant amount of effort for a contractor and for City staff. <br />Instances of contractors only using Alameda County workers without requesting San Leandro <br />residents have occurred repeatedly during the current CWA’s term. In recent cases, repeated <br />failure by the contractor to provide adequate GFE while using Alameda County workers has <br />caused project delays and withholding of payments per the articles of the CWA. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />83