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8K Consent 2019 0106
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2020 0106
8K Consent 2019 0106
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1/10/2020 12:05:28 PM
Creation date
12/23/2019 11:28:03 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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infrastructure that helps to reduce emissions. <br />CDBG and HOME Programs. Advocate to protect or enhance funding for Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Act (HOME) programs to <br />more effectively address community development and affordable housing needs. Support <br />increased federal funding for critical HUD programs and housing opportunities. <br />Cyber Security. Support federal grant programs and other federal efforts designed to help states <br />and localities with cybersecurity. The State and Local Government Cybersecurity Act, introduced <br />in 2019, would allow the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center to <br />provide more tools to local governments, authorize the sharing of more classified information <br />with state and local governments, and create more training programs for IT staff. <br />COPS programs. Support efforts to identify federal funding for various local or regional law <br />enforcement initiatives through the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or other <br />relevant federal agencies or programs. <br />Department of Energy. Support efforts to develop innovative renewable energy, energy <br />efficiency, and energy storage projects to achieve energy security. <br />Environmental Protection Agency. Support efforts to maintain programs such as Energy <br />Star, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Power Plan and other federal programs that protect the <br />environment, public health, or plants and wildlife. Oppose efforts to roll back regulations designed <br />to protect the environment or endangered species, or mitigate the impacts of climate change. <br />Federal Aviation Administration. Work with federal officials or relevant staff to address <br />ongoing noise and other impacts to the San Leandro community associated with the flight <br />patterns and operations of surrounding Bay Area airports. <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency. Support funding for resilient infrastructure <br />improvements such as green infrastructure, recycled water pipelines, levees & other innovative <br />solutions to protect vital community assets threatened by sea level rise, rising temperatures, <br />wildfire, drought or other hazards associated with climate change. <br />FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): Support Congressional efforts to reform <br />the National Flood Insurance Program and to expedite the claims process and ensure that <br />premium rate increases do not unfairly impact residences and businesses. Work with FEMA to <br />support property owners potentially impacted by changes to flood maps. Support infrastructure <br />projects that could reduce flooding or mitigate flood insurance rate increases. <br />Gun Safety. Support efforts to promote gun safety, or other initiatives designed to prevent <br />mass shootings or active shooter incidents. Support funding for law enforcement training or <br />programs to address gun violence or reduce access to firearms by at-risk individuals, such as the <br />mentally ill. <br />Homelessness. Support additional federal funding to address issues related to homelessness. <br />Monitor or oppose potential interventions by the Executive branch that do not align with local <br />policies. <br />107
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