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04-Ala 880 PM 22.6/24.0 <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />14. VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSINGS <br /> <br />14.1. STATE will maintain the structure proper of all STATE-constructed vehicular and <br />pedestrian undercrossings of STATE freeways while the roadway sections, including the <br />traveled way, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, wall surfaces (including eliminating graffiti), <br />drainage installations, lighting installations and traffic service facilities that may be <br />required for the benefit or control of traffic using that undercrossing will be maintained <br />by CITY. <br /> <br />14.2. CITY will request STATE’s District Encroachment Permit Engineer to issue the <br />necessary Encroachment Permit for any proposed change in minimum vertical clearances <br />between the traveled way portion of the under roadway surface and the Structure that <br />results from modifications to the under roadway (except when said modifications are made <br />by STATE). If the planned modifications will result in a reduction in the minimum <br />clearance within the traveled way, an estimate of the clearance reduction must be provided <br />to STATE’s Transportation Permit Engineer prior to starting work. Upon completion of <br />that work, a clearance diagram will be furnished to STATE’s Transportation Permit <br />Engineer that shows revised minimum clearances for all affected movements of traffic, <br />both at the edges of the traveled way and at points of minimum clearance within the <br />traveled way. <br /> <br />15. COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION (Marina Blvd and Davis Street Overcrossings) <br /> <br />15.1. Corbels with San Leandro logo placed at the Marina Blvd and Davis Street <br />Overcrossings, as shown on Exhibit “B” referred to herein as collectively the “LOGO” <br />will be maintained by CITY . Regularly scheduled maintenance of LOGO must be <br />performed by CITY at no cost to STATE, for projected lifespan. This includes but not <br />limited to graffiti removal and restoration work to maintain the integrity of the approved <br />LOGO. Graffiti removal must conform to current STATE policies and guidelines that <br />require prompt removal of offensive messages and timely removal of all other graffiti. <br />Maintenance practices must protect air and water quality as required by law. <br /> <br />15.2. STATE may perform maintenance activities in the area of the LOGO, such as litter <br />pickup and other maintenance that is normally associated with the transportation facility <br />or right-of-way, but will not provide maintenance of the LOGO itself. <br /> <br />15.3. LOGO, which in the opinion of STATE becomes a maintenance or operational <br />concern because LOGO is not adequately maintained or deteriorates to an unacceptable <br />condition, will be removed by CITY at CITY’s expense. STATE will notify CITY when <br />LOGO requires special attention. In the event the CITY fails to maintain, repair, <br />rehabilitate or remove LOGO in a timely manner, STATE may remove the LOGO at <br />upon (60) days following notice to CITY, and bill the CITY for all costs of removal and <br />restoration of the area. <br /> <br />15.4. STATE reserves the right to remove LOGO due to construction, rehabilitation or <br />other necessary activities affecting the transportation facilities without any obligation, <br />compensation to, or approval of CITY. <br />1057