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SAN LEAN D R O GENERAL PLAN EXHIBIT A <br />L A N D U S E <br />General Plan Text Amendments (non -redlined) <br />PLN2019-0074 <br />While economic diversification is encouraged, existing industrial uses will <br />also be supported. The Economic Development Element identifies <br />measures to nurture existing businesses, such as one-stop permitting, <br />business development assistance funds for renovation, utility tax and <br />personal property tax rebates, and design assistance. The City also <br />strongly supports business to business relationships among local <br />industries, and actions to bolster corporate citizenship and stewardship. <br />Further direction for the industrial/innovation districts is provided in the <br />Focus Area discussion later in this chapter. <br />Office Districts <br />Historically, San Leandro has not been a major regional office center. <br />However, completion of Creekside Plaza in the early 2000s and <br />development of the San Leandro Tech Campus in 2016 suggests this may <br />be changing. As of 2016, most offices are local -serving, providing space <br />for medical and professional firms, banks, finance and insurance <br />companies, and other small businesses. The greatest concentration of <br />offices is in and around Downtown and along Davis Street. Small office <br />buildings also exist along many of the city's thoroughfares and in the area <br />immediately east of Downtown. There is also a growing inventory of <br />office -flex space within the city's industrial districts. <br />3-72 <br />EEK3IDE PLAZA <br />