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File Number: 20-245 <br />Section 66426(c) permits use of a parcel map for this action as the land is commercial, has <br />access to public roads, and the street alignment and width has the approval of the City. <br />City Planner’s Review: The City Planner examined the Parcel Map, the proposed size and <br />location of the lots, the requirements of the General Plan, the applicable Specific Plans and <br />determined they were in conformance/compliance with the Zoning Code, the Municipal Code, the <br />Subdivision Map Act, and the San Leonardo General Plan. <br />City Engineer’s Findings: The City Engineer examined Parcel Map 10843 and found that it <br />complies with California State Law and local ordinances. In addition, the City’s consulting Land <br />Surveyor is satisfied that Parcel Map 10843 is technically correct pursuant to California <br />Government Code §66450(b). <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Title VII, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, and the Subdivision Map Act set <br />forth the authority and procedure for processing parcel maps. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy LU-6.4 - Office Development: Support the growth of Downtown San Leandro as <br />an office center. Then City will encourage the renovation and upgrading of existing office <br />space, and the development of new office space. <br />Policy LU-6.13 - BART Station Area Transit Village: Foster the development of the <br />BART Station area as a mixed use “transit village,” with a full complement of office, <br />high-density residential, and retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, open space, BART <br />parking, and other transit facilities. Development in this area should include a balance of <br />new housing, office, and retail use, oriented in a compact form to make it more feasible to <br />walk and use transit for most trips. <br />Policy ED-1.8 - Expanding the Local Office Market: Expand San Leandro’s position <br />as a regional office market, leveraging the city’s accessibility, amenities, fiber optic <br />network, and relatively low lease rates. Focus office demand in areas within walking <br />distance of the BART stations, particularly the Downtown San Leandro station. <br />Environmental Review <br />Parcel Map 10843 is categorically exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA <br />under Class 15, Minor Land Subdivisions of Title 5, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Administrative <br />Code. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />All costs incurred in preparing and processing the Parcel Map 10843 will be paid by the <br />applicant. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/1/2020 <br />95