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Reso 2020-098 Granicus 3 year annual renewal
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-098 Granicus 3 year annual renewal
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Last modified
9/24/2020 10:04:16 AM
Creation date
7/27/2020 9:43:09 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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8J Consent 2020 0720
(Approved by)
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2020\Packet 2020 0720
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Name Description <br />Meeting Efficiency Meeting Efficiency is a hybrid Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) and Hardware -as -a -Service (Haas) <br />Suite solution that enables government organizations to simplify the in -meeting management and <br />post -meeting minutes creation processes of the clerk's office. By leveraging this solution, the <br />client will be able to streamline meeting data capture and minutes production, reducing staff <br />efforts and decreasing time to get minutes published. During a meeting, use LiveManager to <br />record roll calls, motions, votes, notes, and speakers, all indexed with video. Use the index <br />points to quickly edit minutes, templates to format in Microsoft Word, and publish online with <br />the click of a button. Meeting Efficiency includes: <br />• Unlimited user accounts <br />• Unlimited meeting bodies <br />• Unlimited storage of minutes documents <br />• Access to the LiveManager software application for recording information during <br />meetings <br />• Access to the Word Add -in software component for minutes formatting in MS Word if <br />desired <br />• Up to one (1) MS Word minutes template (additional templates can be purchased if <br />needed) <br />Legistar Legistar is a Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) solution that enables government organizations to <br />automate the entire legislative process of the clerk's office. Clerks can leverage Legistar to <br />easily manage the entire legislative process from drafting files, through assignment to various <br />departments, to final approval. Legistar includes: <br />• Unlimited user accounts <br />• Unlimited meeting bodies and meeting types <br />• Unlimited data storage and retention <br />• Up to one (1) Legistar database <br />• Up to one (1) InSite web portal <br />CampaignDocs Web CampaignDocs WebPublisherT"" module the public has access to redacted copies of the filings <br />Publishing on the web. The public is able to search, view and print from their own computer without the <br />Subscription need of using your agency's resources. <br />DisclosureDocs Web Allows redacting and publishing the filed forms to your website. You are able to publish both - <br />Redaction the Electronic as well as the Paper Filings. Public is given a robust Online eRetrieval System that <br />Subscription helps them find the information they are searching for. <br />CampaignDocs Public Public access to your filings is available through your Public Kiosk in an unredacted form using <br />Kiosk Subscription our CampaignDocs Public Access" module. The Public is able to search for filings in your office <br />without the need of taking staff time to pull the original records. This is not only a cost savings <br />for your staff, but eliminates the risk of the original filing disappearing or becoming misfiled <br />when it's returned. If the Public wants a copy of a filing, they order it at the kiosk and pay for it <br />at the counter where they will pick up their copy. <br />DisclosureDocs Public Public Kiosk - The Public is able to search for filings in your office without the need of taking <br />Kiosk Subscription staffs time to pull the original records using your Public Kiosk. <br />eCampaign eCampaignTM system is a benefit to your filers. Your filers will be able to use our data screens <br />Subscription to enter their contributions / expenditures as they occur and file their forms by the due date. <br />The system will validate the information and summarize all the information on the forms. There <br />are several tools that will help your Filer properly file their filings. <br />
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