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DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A572BOA-3D14-4B47-B7FB-9B1FCC584CF6 <br />Scope of Work <br />The overall strategy for completing this zoning code update will be to incorporate relevant development standards from <br />the Bay Pair Specific Plan into the zoning code for the new B-TOD zoning district. There will also be related General Plan <br />amendments related to the Bay Fair TOD Plan and final zoning code amendments under this contract. It is assumed that <br />the new B-TOD zoning district will implement the vision set forth in the Bay Fair Specific Plan, and that this vision will <br />not change as part of this re -zoning. The goal of this process is to effectively translate the vision of the Specific Plan into <br />zoning standards that will achieve the vision articulated in the Specific Plan. The zoning district will incorporate just the <br />primary development controls that already exist in the zoning code - such as height, lot coverage, required open space, <br />and land use - while deferring to the Specific Plan itself for more detailed guidance, intent statements, and guidelines. <br />Tasks within this budget may be subject to change, but not without City approval. <br />Task <br />Estimated <br />Hours <br />Not -to - <br />Exceed Cost <br />1. Regular check -ins and project management: Conduct an initial brainstorming and <br />24 <br />$3,840 <br />strategy meeting (meeting of up to two hours, plus up to four hours of additional <br />meeting prep) to determine overall structure and desired content of the new Bay Fair <br />TOD zoning district and implementation strategy. The project kick-off meeting will <br />include discussion of potential direction and strategies on key project topics, which <br />could include: <br />• Strategies for how the zoning should address the by -right approval process, <br />including the following key questions: Should by -right approval be based on <br />a level of density? Should it be limited to 1/2 mile radius around BART? <br />Should it be dependent on other features like parcel size"? <br />• Strategies for how the zoning should address parking standards, including <br />the following key questions: Should parking standards be phased in over <br />time or all at once? Should parking standards be aligned with citywide <br />standards? <br />• Discussion of which design policies in the Specific Plan should be included as <br />objective development standards, including the following key questions: <br />How should the City ensure quality design without being overly <br />prescriptive"? How will this align with any parallel efforts to create citywide <br />Objective Design Standards? <br />Conduct regular check -ins and communication with City staff and subconsultants <br />throughout the course of the project. <br />2. Public Meetings: Conduct the following meetings in coordination with City staff: <br />80 <br />X512,800 <br />• Two stakeholder group meetings. Hold up to Lwo stakeholder group <br />meetings to discuss and vet the proposed Bay Fair Zoning Update, one <br />before the zoning update draft is prepared, and one during public review of <br />the draft. Potential stakeholder group participants are anticipated to be key <br />property owners who participated in the Bay Fair Specific Plan process, <br />such as the Bay Fair Mall owners and BART. Consultant will coordinate with <br />staff to create meeting materials and identify discussion topics for the two <br />stakeholder group meetings. These may be similar or identical to material <br />created for the two community meetings. For efficiency these stakeholder <br />meetings will occur in parallel and at the same time in the process as the <br />two community meetings. Staff will also attend and may also present. <br />• Two community meetings. Hold up to two community meetings to discuss <br />and vet the proposed Bay Fair Zoning Update, one before the zoning update <br />draft is prepared, and one during public review of the draft. Potential <br />participants are anticipated to include neighbors, affected property owners <br />