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DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A572BOA-3D14-4B47-B7FB-9B1FCC584CF6 <br />past participants in the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan process, or other <br />interested community members or stakeholder groups. Consultant will <br />coordinate with staff to create meeting materials and identify discussion <br />topics for the two community meetings. These may be similar or identical to <br />material created for the two stakeholder meetings. For efficiency these <br />community meetings will occur in parallel and at the same time in the <br />process as the two stakeholder meetings. Staff will also attend and may also <br />present. <br />• One Council Studv Session. Consultant will conduct one City Council study <br />session early in the process to identify council desires and goals for the <br />zoning code update. This should occur at a similar time in the process as the <br />first stakeholder meeting and community meeting, and could utilize similar <br />or identical meeting material. Consultant will prepare or adapt any <br />necessary presentation in coordination with staff. The council work session <br />is anticipated to be focused on technical implementation, not revisiting the <br />Bay Fair Specific Plan vision, and would likely include 5-10 minutes of <br />presentation and 30-45 minutes of discussion and questions. Staff will also <br />attend and may also present. <br />• One Planning Commission Study Session. Consultant will conduct one <br />Planning Commission study session later in the process to receive feedback <br />on proposed content or concepts for the zoning code update. This should <br />occur at a similar time in the process as the second stakeholder meeting and <br />community meeting, and could utilize similar or identical meeting material. <br />Consultant will prepare or adapt any necessary presentation in coordination <br />with staff. The Planning Commission work session is anticipated to be <br />focused on technical implementation, not revisiting the Bay Fair Specific <br />Plan vision, and would likely include 5-10 minutes of presentation and 45- <br />60 minutes of discussion and questions. Staff will also attend and may also <br />present. <br />• One Planning Commission Hearing. Consultant will attend one hearing of the <br />Planning Commission, at which the Planning Commission will make a <br />recommendation to approve the zoning and general plan amendment. <br />Consultant will be available to answer questions and if necessary provide a <br />short presentation about content in the zoning amendment. Staff will also <br />attend and may also present. <br />• One City Council Hearing. Consultant will attend one hearing of the City <br />Council, at which the City Council will adopt the zoning and general plan <br />amendment. Consultant will be available to answer questions and if <br />necessary provide a short presentation about content in the zoning <br />amendment. Staff will also attend and may also present. <br />For all meetings and hearings, notes will be dealt with in the following way: <br />Consultant will keep and provide meeting notes to staff, to the degree that this is <br />possible while facilitating a meeting or presenting at a hearing. Staff will then <br />synthesize and distribute notes based on staffs mvn adcinonal notes. <br />For all meetings and hearings, staff will be responsible for meeting noticing, set-up, <br />logistics, staff reports, and printing any necessary meeting material. <br />3. Test Fits: Conduct a series of physical test fits using development massing models <br />70 <br />511,200 <br />on multiple existing and planned parcels within the Bay Fair Specific Plan area to <br />confirm that the details of the development standards in the Specific Plan are <br />appropriate, properly calibrated amongst all standards, and generating the types of <br />buildings and development consistent with the vision. Test fits would occur on <br />multiple different sizes and orientations of parcels in different areas of the Bay Fair <br />Plan area, including in different height zones and in zones subject to daylight plane <br />standards. Assumed use would likely be residential or residential with round -floor <br />