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File Number: 20-311 <br />General Plan Conformance <br />The General Plan designation for the project site is Downtown Mixed Use. This designation <br />generally corresponds to the central business district of San Leandro. Multi-family and mixed-use <br />development with housing is encouraged in this land use area, with allowable residential <br />densities ranging from 24 to 100 units per net acre, depending on the zoning district. In this case, <br />the proposed density of the housing (33.8 units per acre) is well within the range of the General <br />Plan (24 to 100 units per acre). <br />Environmental Review <br />Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the <br />City prepared and circulated an Initial Study (preliminary environmental analysis) and finds that, <br />although the proposed Project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be <br />a significant effect in this case because the incorporated mitigation measures and revisions in <br />the project will be made by or agreed to by the project proponent, and that a Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration (MND) of environmental impact and Mitigation Monitoring Program should be <br />adopted by the City Council. Recirculation of the MND is not required under Section 15073.5 <br />because minor modifications were made to reduce the number of units and remove a roof deck <br />following written or verbal comments and the minor changes do not result in any new avoidable <br />significant effects. Consideration of the draft MND is a separate but concurrent agenda item with <br />the associated Planned Development and Site Plan Review. <br />Public Outreach <br />A summary of the applicant’s public outreach efforts is attached to this report. A website <br />( <>) was also created by the developer to <br />provide information about the project in addition to information available on the City’s website. A <br />public hearing notice was placed in the East Bay Times Daily Review newspaper, notification <br />letters were mailed to property owners and businesses owners within 500 feet of the subject <br />property and a public notification placard was posted on the subject property in advance of this <br />hearing. Public comments submitted following the release of this report will be provided in <br />advance of the hearing. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend City Council approval of the proposed project <br />through the following actions: <br />A.Adopt a Resolution approving the Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration and <br />Mitigation Monitoring Program for the 1388 Bancroft project; <br />B.Adopt a Resolution approving a Planned Development and Site Plan Review for 1388 <br />Bancroft project based on the attached Findings of Fact and subject to the recommended <br />Conditions of Approval. <br />C. Adopt an Ordinance rezoning the subject property, 1388 Bancroft, from Professional <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020