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File Number: 20-311 <br />active transportation (walking, biking and transit use), and the project proposes to actively <br />manage and optimize the available pool of on-site parking through a parking management <br />program. Units that do not need a vehicle space will have their spaces allocated to other units that <br />need a second vehicle. The project also qualifies for AB1100 parking credits for providing ADA <br />parking spaces with electric vehicle charging stations. Substantial secured indoor bicycle parking <br />will be provided for tenants. The project will benefit from the recent opening of AC Transit’s <br />Tempo Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. The nearest Tempo BRT station is a 12 minute walk from <br />the project’s location. <br />Inclusionary Housing Requirement <br />To satisfy the Inclusionary Housing Requirement (Z.C. §6.04.132) and advance the City’s Housing <br />Element goals, the applicant submitted a revised inclusionary housing plan that proposes to <br />provide 1) two rent restricted units and 2) pay an in-lieu fees of $134,553. The proposal is based <br />upon the following: <br />•That the affordable housing in-lieu fee is set at $5.00 per net rentable square feet as <br />recommended in the Affordable Housing Nexus Study. The study, which was a joint venture <br />with San Leandro and other East Bay and Silicon Valley jurisdictions, was completed in <br />November 2016, presented to City Council in April 2018 and will serve as the basis for <br />forthcoming proposed Inclusionary Housing Ordinance amendments. The proposed <br />apartment building has 40,366 net rentable square feet so the gross amount of the fee is <br />$201,830. <br />•As per San Leandro Zoning Code §6.04.112, for a project of 37 to 43 units, 6 inclusionary <br />units are required (4 very low and 2 low income units). However, Section 6.04.132(B) <br />provides that the City has discretion to “approve, conditionally approve or reject any <br />alternative proposed by the Developer as part of an Inclusionary Housing Plan.” <br />•Due to the high cost of building in the region and the State mandate for the City to meet its <br />above moderate income (market rate) income regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) <br />goal per Senate Bill (SB) 35, the applicant may provide two long-term (55 years) rent <br />restricted units to fulfill 2/6th of the inclusionary housing production requirement and <br />achieve the remaining 4/6th by paying a pro-rated in-lieu fee equaling approximately <br />$134,553 (4/6 x $201,830). The in-lieu fee of $134,553 would be paid prior to or at the <br />issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed apartment building. <br />SB 35 took effect on January 1, 2018 and enabled the State to identify local jurisdictions <br />that were not complying with mandated RHNA goals for housing production at various <br />income levels. While San Leandro is complying with its very low and low income housing <br />goals, the State identified over 280 jurisdictions, including San Leandro, that were not <br />complying with their above moderate income housing goals. <br />•In addition, the applicant must provide the two rent restricted units on-site at 1388 Bancroft <br />or at another residential rental property in the City, where the off-site inclusionary units will <br />be a minimum of two- bedroom units each. <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/16/2020