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5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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Packet 2020 0928
5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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9/23/2020 12:20:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-121 Climatec LLC Implementation and Construction Grand 59352113
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File Number: 20-406 <br />For the CAP’s database year of 2005, the City’s measurable municipal operations, which are <br />made up of municipal buildings, fleet, streetlights, water/sewage operations, and municipal <br />waste, constituted less than one percent of San Leandro’s total emissions. The 2009 CAP noted <br />that while this percentage is on the low end of the typical range, and that actions to reduce <br />municipal energy use may have a limited impact on San Leandro’s overall community emissions <br />levels, municipal actions can help reduce operation costs and have symbolic value by <br />demonstrating leadership that extends beyond the magnitude of emissions actually reduced. <br />In January of 2015 the City issued a Request for Proposal for a citywide audit to determine <br />potential municipal energy and water-efficiency projects. City goals for this work included: to <br />leverage and maximize funding; alleviate unfunded energy-efficiency needs; upgrade existing <br />systems; improve comfort and safety; reduce deferred maintenance; self-fund improvements, <br />guarantee savings; and support the CAP. That work was awarded to Climatec in October 2015. <br />Potential energy/water conservation measures identified through the audit included the following <br />categories: building automation systems (BAS); HVAC systems; renewable energy; energy <br />education and training, lighting systems; water management; building envelope; and other <br />systems such as CCTV system, intrusion security, and computer power management. <br />Climatec was founded in 1975 (and acquired by Robert Bosch in North America in 2015) and is <br />California’s largest energy management provider, with local offices located in Pleasanton. <br />Climatec’s company-wide work includes the following: building automation, enterprise energy <br />management, energy services, security solutions, life safety, support services, and mechanical <br />systems. <br />Specific to their work to date with the City, the following projects/programs have been either <br />proposed or completed: <br />·Performed a city-wide energy and water-efficiency audit with recommendations on <br />potential projects; <br />·Completed Phase 1a program which included LED streetlight retrofits, HVAC upgrades, <br />installation of irrigation clocks, BAS upgrades, LED building interior lighting upgrades, <br />lighting controls integration with BAS, and LED building exterior lighting upgrades; <br />·Completed Phase 1b program (1 Megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) installation at the <br />WPCP; and <br />·Proposed Phase 2 program, which would have added microgrid components to the <br />first-generation LED streetlights, and complete remaining interior/exterior LED lighting and <br />HVAC upgrades. This Phase was not initiated due lack of identified funding sources. <br />The WPCP is the highest energy-consumer of all municipal operations, with historic electrical bills <br />in excess of $500,000 annually. In May 2020, the WPCP received a Permit to Operate a new 1 <br />MW (megawatt) solar photovoltaic (PV) system, designed and installed by Climatec. The solar <br />PV system was projected to produce approximately 45+ percent of the WPCP’s energy needs. <br />Although a full year’s worth of use data has not occurred, preliminary analysis provided by a <br />third-party consultant indicates that the solar PV system is producing energy savings in excess of <br />projections. <br />In 2008 the City contracted with an internationally recognized engineering firm for design and <br />construction of a co-generation and grease receiving station. This project, which at the time was <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/23/2020 <br />9
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