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5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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Packet 2020 0928
5A Public Hearings 2020 0928
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10/8/2020 4:00:27 PM
Creation date
9/23/2020 12:20:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-121 Climatec LLC Implementation and Construction Grand 59352113
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File Number: 20-406 <br />projected to cost approximately $4 million, was intended to utilize the WPCP’s methane gas <br />(which is currently 100% burned (flared) off) and additional grease brought in from outside <br />vendors, to produce a portion of the Plant’s electrical power needs. Although constructed, the <br />equipment never operated correctly (did not produce any power). Ultimately, the project was <br />deemed unsuccessful and the City and engineering firm settled for return of the City’s initial $4 <br />million investment. <br />Analysis <br />The proposed project’s components were identified in Climatec’s initial citywide energy/water <br />efficiency audit performed for the City in 2015. However, due to the major WPCP renovation <br />project going on at the time, staff felt the timing was not right for implementation. <br />The goals of this latest phase of proposed efficiency work are to improve the overall operations of <br />the WPCP by bypassing industrial waste directly to the digesters, increasing the capacity of the <br />system for future growth, reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions (flaring reduction), <br />providing additional revenue streams, and implementing resilient technologies to maintain <br />operation during power outages and Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. The proposed <br />project includes the following components: <br />·Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with Micro-Grid Controller - The BESS <br />would be integrated with the existing solar photovoltaic system and be utilized for peak <br />demand shaving, energy arbitrage, grid greenhouse gas (GHG) offsets, and serve as the <br />primary backup power (2-hour near full Plant back-up) during Public Safety Power Shutoff <br />(PSPS) events and other power grid interruptions. <br />The WPCP is a 24/7 facility that treats and discharges municipal wastewater. Due to <br />power shutoffs and the critical nature of the facility to constituent health and safety, battery <br />storage has been identified as a valuable tool for use by the City. The battery is intended <br />to operate in both load shift and backup modes. When a PSPS event (or like) is <br />anticipated, energy will be stored to operate in emergency backup mode. Once such a risk <br />has passed, normal daily operation will be resumed. During normal operations the BESS <br />controls will charge during low-GHG periods and discharge during high-GHG periods, <br />offsetting at least 5 kg of CO2 per kWh capacity. The system will discharge a minimum of <br />104 cycles per year, and charge minimally 75% from the solar PV system. The system will <br />have the ability to run a majority of the WPCP’s electrical load on islanded battery power, <br />including all pumps, treatment processes, and office/lab facilities. <br />The micro-grid controller system will monitor power consumption of the facility loads, <br />power generation from the PV system, grid GHG emissions signals, BESS power and <br />energy charging/discharging data will be collected. In addition,, grid power will be <br />monitored to determine when islanding will be necessary. The net-generation output meter <br />on the PV system will also transmit production data to the utility. The onsite metering <br />locations feed this relevant data to the control system to optimize charging/discharging <br />schedules and ensure the BESS is primarily charged from the PV system. <br />·Biogas to Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) System - Produce RNG from the WPCP’s <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/23/2020 <br />10
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