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DocuSign Envelope ID: E22C8FEA-1CBF-4AC8-B97F-228503A7F74B <br />BAAQMD FYE 2020 TFCA Funding Agreement <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />PROJECT BUDGET AND PAYMENT PROCESS <br />(Note: The section numbers shown in parentheses below refer to sections in the Agreement.) <br />1. Total Project Cost (Section II.2): The Total Project Cost is the sum of the Eligible Costs that are listed <br />in Section 4 of Attachment B. <br />2. Matching Funds (Sections II.2, 3): The Project Sponsor is responsible for all project costs that are not <br />covered by the TFCA Funds Awarded and at least 10% of the Total Project Cost. <br />3. TFCA Funds Awarded (Sections II.2, IL11, IIL1, IV.7): A maximum of $220,000 <br />A. The Air District will determine the final TFCA Funds Awarded based on the actual eligible costs for <br />each Project component, which will not exceed the Maximum TFCA Funds Awarded specified in <br />Section 9 of Attachment A, or 90% of actual eligible costs, whichever is lower. <br />B. If the scope of the Project is modified, the Air District will recalculate the Maximum TFCA Funds <br />Awarded for each approved Project component to ensure the Project meets the cost-effectiveness <br />limits and that the percentage of Maximum TFCA Funds Awarded for Eligible Costs do not exceed <br />90% for each Project component. The Air District will cancel this Agreement if the TFCA Funds <br />Awarded is reduced to below $50,000. <br />C. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section IV.7 of this Agreement, the Air District will <br />calculate the funds to which the Project Sponsor is entitled for each Project component, which will <br />be the lesser of the following: <br />a. 90% of the actual eligible project costs; or <br />b. The Maximum TFCA Funds Awarded, as specified in Section 9 of Attachment A, divided <br />by the number of weekdays during the Project Operational Period specified in Section 6 in <br />Attachment A, then multiplied by the actual number of weekdays completed during the <br />Project Operational Period, during which the Project is in compliance with the Agreement. <br />4. Eligible Costs: Eligible Costs may only be incurred on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement and <br />must be directly and solely related to the implementation of the Project. <br />For the purposes of determining eligibility of Project costs, the date for equipment costs incurred shall be <br />the date the Project Sponsor submits a signed purchase order or other document that commits the order, <br />and for direct labor costs incurred shall be the date such services were rendered. <br />Eligible Costs may include: <br />A. Cost of the purchase of equipment and material that is directly related to construction of the Project <br />(e.g., concrete, asphalt) including tax and shipping fees; <br />B. Equipment rental that is directly related to construction of the Project (e.g., dump truck); <br />C. Documented labor charges (i.e., salaries, wages, and benefits) directly and solely related to the site <br />preparation and construction of the protected bikeway(s) (e.g. trenching, painting) at the Project <br />location; and <br />D. Permit fees directly related to the Project. <br />Costs that are not included in the list above are not Eligible Costs, for example: <br />A. Costs related to maintenance repairs, rehabilitation or upgrade of existing bicycle facilities; <br />B. Any work conducted prior to the full execution of a funding agreement, including work that was <br />required for the application; <br />C. Feasibility and planning studies; <br />TFCA Project 20R15 Page 10 <br />