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DocuSign Envelope ID: E22C8FEA-1CBF-4AC8-B97F-228503A7F74B <br />BAAQMD FYE 2020 TFCA Funding Agreement <br />SECTION II <br />PROJECT SPONSOR OBLIGATIONS <br />1) The Project Sponsor hereby agrees to implement the Project, which is described in "Project Information" <br />(Attachment A), in accordance with the costs, terms, and conditions in the "Project Budget and Payment <br />Process" (Attachment B), and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law and regulations. <br />Failure to implement the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement <br />and all attachments thereto shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement and may result in the Air District's <br />enforcement of the Agreement, termination of the Agreement, a reduction in the amount of the Project's <br />TFCA Funds Awarded that are specified in Attachment B, a required reimbursement from the Project <br />Sponsor to the Air District of TFCA Funds already awarded, or other remedies sought by the Air District at <br />its sole discretion. <br />2) The Project Sponsor shall be responsible for all Project costs necessary to complete the Project prior to <br />submission of the Final Invoice to the Air District for reimbursement. Air District's funding obligation <br />under this Agreement is limited to reimbursement of Eligible Costs, as specified in Attachment B, the <br />amount of which shall not exceed the TFCA Funds Awarded, also as specified in Attachment B. The Project <br />Sponsor shall be solely responsible for all costs that exceed the TFCA Funds Awarded. <br />3) The Project Sponsor is responsible for assuring that all funds received under this Agreement and Matching <br />Funds are expended only in accordance with the requirements of the TFCA Program, this Agreement, and <br />all applicable provisions of law and regulations. <br />4) The Project Sponsor shall allow the Air District and its authorized representatives to conduct performance <br />and fiscal audits of the Project at any time during the Term of this Agreement. The Project Sponsor shall <br />cooperate with such audits and shall make available to the Air District all records relating to Project <br />performance and expenses incurred in the implementation of the Project. <br />The Project Sponsor shall allow the Air District or its authorized representatives to inspect the Project at <br />any time during the Project Operational Period. The Project Sponsor shall cooperate with such inspections. <br />5) The Project Sponsor shall prepare and maintain all necessary Project Records to document Project activities <br />and performance, including invoicing documentation set forth in Section 5 of Attachment B, documentation <br />to support the Project reporting requirements set forth in Attachment C, and insurance documentation set <br />forth in Attachment D (all of which comprise "Project Records"). Project Records shall also include <br />documentation that verifies compliance with the requirements set forth in Section 11.8. The Project Sponsor <br />shall keep Project Records in one central location for a period of three (3) years after the later of a) the date <br />of the Air District's final payment, or b) the end of the Project Operational Period. <br />6) The Project Sponsor shall submit the reports specified in Attachment C to the Air District by the due dates <br />specified in Attachment C. These reports are public documents. At its discretion, the Air District may accept <br />and process a late -submitted report, without thereby waiving or amending the submission deadline of any <br />or all subsequent reports. <br />7) The Project Sponsor shall implement and operate the Project for the duration of the Project Operational <br />Period. The Project Sponsor may not make any changes to the operational status of the Project without the <br />prior approval of the Air District. Failure to obtain prior approval is a breach of this Agreement. <br />For purposes of this Agreement, a "change to the operational status" occurs whenever any portion of the <br />Project is removed from active service other than for routine maintenance, relocated to a different location <br />than what is specified in this Agreement (Attachment A), rendered inoperable, sold, or transferred to another <br />entity, before full completion of the Project Operational Period. <br />If the Project Sponsor intends to make a change to the Project's operational status, the Project Sponsor must <br />seek a modification of this Agreement in advance to allow for a change pursuant to Section IV.3. <br />8) The Project Sponsor shall acknowledge, and require any third party that implements any portion of the <br />Project ("Sub-awardee") to also acknowledge, the Air District as a Project funding source at all times <br />throughout the Project Operational Period as specified in Attachment A. The Project Sponsor shall use, and <br />TFCA Project 20R15 Page 2 <br />