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Description <br />Current Fee Reference Proposed Fee Explanation <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT- Building Regulations Division (continued) <br />iv) Stand -Alone Mechanical Permit <br />Up to $2,000 <br />$99 <br />$2,001 to $5,000 <br />$197 <br />$5,001 to $10,000 <br />$197 for the first $5,000 plus $39.42 for each add'I $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $10,000 <br />$10,001 and up <br />$394 for the first $10,000 plus $13.14 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof over $10,000 <br />v) Residential 1 and 2 Family Re -roof <br />a) Main dwelling roof <br />$275 all sizes and materials <br />b) Detached garages and accessory structures on same property as main dwelling and done at the <br />same time as the main dwelling roof. <br />$88 <br />vi) Inspection of the installation of an earthquake gas shutoff valve <br />$33.47 with no Filing & Issuance Fee <br />vii) Residential Seismic Retrofit projects using "Plan set A" (for one and two family residences) <br />$77 plus Filing and Issuance Fee and other miscellaneous fees <br />viii) Photovoltaic Systems <br />a) Residential <br />i) Up to 15kW <br />$296 <br />ii) each additional kW over 15kW <br />$16 <br />b) Commercial <br />i) Up to 25kW <br />$413 <br />ii) 26kW - 50kW <br />$620 <br />iii) each additional kW (51kW - 250kW) <br />$7 <br />iv) each additional kW over 2501<W <br />$5 <br />Note: For photovoltaic systems, total permit fees, including applicable Permit Issuance and Filing Fees, Automation Fees, Community Planning Fees, and other mandated fees shall not exceed amounts authorized via Government Code Section <br />66015. <br />ix) Signs <br />Sign permit fees are based on all signs being on the same property and on the same permit. <br />a) 1st Non -energized sign attached to building. <br />$111 <br />b) each additional sign thereafter: <br />$56 <br />c) Pylon sign, energized or not, each: <br />$233 <br />d) Monument sign, energized or not, each <br />$175 <br />e) Relocation or alteration of any sign electronically or mechanically, but not including replacement <br />of tubing, transformers and such parts subject to failure; or shop inspection by the local inspection <br />department in lieu of a UL label (a local electrical inspection department label of approval shall be <br />required), each <br />$88 <br />x) Demolition <br />a) Commercial/Residential Demolition up to 3,000SF <br />$296 <br />b) Each Additional 10,000SF <br />$197 <br />C. Plan Checking Fee <br />Plan checking fee shall be paid at the time of application for a building permit. The plan checking fee is in <br />addition to the building permit fee and shall be as follows: <br />i) Plan Check Fee, if applicable <br />80% of building permit fee <br />ii) For Master Plans (i.e. identical buildings built by the same builder on the same lot or in the same tract <br />and for which building permits are issued at the same time) <br />A full plan checking fee shall be paid for each Master Plan when more than one building will be built and one - <br />third (33%) of the full plan checking fee shall be paid for each production phase building at time of application. <br />iii) Changes, revisions, or additions to plans previously checked <br />$197 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge <br />