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Spectrum Community Services) cumulatively provided assistance to 32,804 unduplicated <br />persons in the Five -Year Consolidated Planning period. <br />Commuity Development Needs Goals — Other: In Table 1 below "other" was to represent <br />activities to further the public facility rehabilitation goals of the ADA Transition Plan. The <br />original goal was to advance work on the ADA Transition Plan by instally ADA modifications at <br />seven City facilities. Without a critical mass of funding sufficient to advance this work and <br />looming expenditure deadlines, in FY 2016-2017 the City of San Leandro Public Works <br />Department continued implementation of capital improvements by installing Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant concrete walkways, asphalt pavement, landscaping, striping <br />and signage at four City facilities: City Hall, Marina Park, the Marina Community Center and the <br />Main Library. The project replaced approximately 6,000 square feet of non-ADA compliant <br />concrete walkways and asphalt pavement and 500 square feet of non-ADA compliant <br />driveways. The project installed 6 curb ramps to parking areas and ADA accessible parking <br />signage at four City Facilities. In FY 2017-2018 the City of San Leandro Public Works Department <br />and Community Development Department established a 2 phase plan on how to proceed with <br />the allocated funding to date. Phase 1 includes adding ADA curb ramps on sidewalks in the <br />public right-of-way. Phase 2 proceeds with the original work on structural upgrades in City - <br />owned facilities. <br />Two other Community Public Facilities improvement projects were funding in FY 2019-2020: an <br />allocation of $300,000 to the Boys' and Girls' Club's major renovations to its facilities at 401 <br />Marina Boulevard and $143,725 to Building Futures for Women and Children (BFWC) for ADA <br />improvements and to address deferred maintenance to the San Leandro Homeless Shelter <br />located at Saint Leander's Church. The Boys' and Girl's Club's funds were fully expended in FY <br />2019-2020. The rehabilitation of the San Leandro Shelter was delayed due to the COVID-19 <br />pandemic. <br />Homeless Needs Goals: In Table 1 below there are two entries under the "Indicators" Homeless <br />Person Overnight Shelter and Homelessness Prevention. This Five Year Consolidated Plan <br />originally intended to provide data for all programs supported by the Community Development <br />Department funding regardless of whether it was using federal CDBG or City general funds. This <br />was allowed in prior Consolidated Planning Documents. Given that the accomplishments may <br />only be entered for those programs that were funded by CDBG, the programs funded by City <br />General Funds cannot be counted. Those programs include the support of Building Futures with <br />Women and Children's San Leandro Shelter and the Davis Street Family Resource Center's <br />Affordable Housing Counseling, and ECHO's Tenant/Landlord Counseling/Conciliation services. <br />CAPER <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />