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File Number: 21-210 <br />individual treasurers. The training will include the entire filing process from setting-up filer <br />accounts, explaining the online filing process, showing how to input data and save reports, <br />preparing statements for e-signature, and filing statements. <br />Electronic filings will promote transparency and provide timely viewing of campaign forms to <br />members of the public. The SouthTech, Granicus program will also increase the accuracy of filed <br />campaign statements and streamline the work of the City Clerk’s office, freeing up time for other <br />projects. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />A yearly payment will be paid to SouthTech, Granicus to maintain a system that permits the City <br />and users to electronically file FPPC campaign statements for committees that have a <br />responsibility to file with the City. SouthTech, Granicus includes an online filer application <br />administrative portal and public viewing portal. The City already uses SouthTech, Granicus for <br />online filings of Statements of Economic Interests. The proposed electronic filing of FPPC <br />campaign forms is in alignment with providing a 100% paperless fling system. <br />During the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget review for the City Clerk’s Office, staff reported its <br />intention to acquire an electronic filing software for administering campaign form disclosure <br />filings. Due to vacancies in the office, the project was delayed and in 2020 funds were carried <br />forward for implementation of the electronic filing system in Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Therefore, <br />since the funds were carried forward to this budget cycle, there is no additional fiscal impact in <br />the implementation of this program. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Attachment A GOVERNMENT CODE - GOV TITLE 9. POLITICAL REFORM [81000 - 91014] <br />PREPARED BY: Leticia I. Miguel, City Clerk, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2021 <br />67