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Description Current Fee Reference Proposed Fee Explanation <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division (continued) <br />v) Residential 1 and 2 Family Re-roof <br />a) Main dwelling roof $275 all sizes and materials $280 1.84% CPI increase <br />b) Detached garages and accessory structures on same property as main dwelling and done at <br />the same time as the main dwelling roof. <br />$88 $90 1.84% CPI increase <br />vi) Inspection of the installation of an earthquake gas shutoff valve $33.47 with no Filing & Issuance Fee $34 1.84% CPI increase <br />vii) Residential Seismic Retrofit projects using "Plan set A" (for one and two family residences)$77 plus Filing and Issuance Fee and other miscellaneous fees $78 1.84% CPI increase <br />viii) Photovoltaic Systems <br />a) Residential <br />i) Up to 15kW $296 $301 1.84% CPI increase <br />ii) each additional kW over 15kW $16 $16 1.84% CPI increase <br />b) Commercial <br />i) Up to 25kW $413 $421 1.84% CPI increase <br />ii) 26kW - 50kW $620 $631 1.84% CPI increase <br />iii) each additional kW (51kW - 250kW)$7 fee proposed to remain unchanged <br />iv) each additional kW over 250kW $5 fee proposed to remain unchanged <br />ix) Signs <br />Sign permit fees are based on all signs being on the same property and on the same permit. <br />a) 1st Non-energized sign attached to building.$111 $113 1.84% CPI increase <br />b) each additional sign thereafter:$56 $57 1.84% CPI increase <br />c) Pylon sign, energized or not, each:$233 $238 1.84% CPI increase <br />d) Monument sign, energized or not, each $175 $178 1.84% CPI increase <br />e) Relocation or alteration of any sign electronically or mechanically, but not including <br />replacement of tubing, transformers and such parts subject to failure; or shop inspection by the <br />local inspection department in lieu of a UL label (a local electrical inspection department label of <br />approval shall be required), each <br />$88 $89 1.84% CPI increase <br />x) Demolition <br />a) Commercial/Residential Demolition up to 3,000SF $296 $302 1.84% CPI increase <br />b) Each Additional 10,000SF $197 $201 1.84% CPI increase <br />C. Plan Checking Fee <br />Plan checking fee shall be paid at the time of application for a building permit. The plan checking fee is <br />in addition to the building permit fee and shall be as follows: <br />i) Plan Check Fee, if applicable 80% of building permit fee fee proposed to remain unchanged <br />ii) For Master Plans (i.e. identical buildings built by the same builder on the same lot or in the same <br />tract and for which building permits are issued at the same time) <br />A full plan checking fee shall be paid for each Master Plan when <br />more than one building will be built and one-third (33%) of the full <br />plan checking fee shall be paid for each production phase building <br />at time of application. <br />iii) Changes, revisions, or additions to plans previously checked $197 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge $201 1.84% CPI increase <br />iv) Additional plan review after the first re-check $197 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge $201 1.84% CPI increase <br />v) Alternate Methods and Materials $197 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge $201 1.84% CPI increase <br />vi) Energy Conservation - for all buildings and projects subject to the California Energy Commission’s <br />conservation regulations <br />20% of building permit fee fee proposed to remain unchanged <br />D. Miscellaneous Fees <br />i) Miscellaneous Inspections <br />a) Fees for inspection not otherwise set forth herein $197 per hour; 1 hour minimum charge $201 1.84% CPI increase <br />b) Fees for inspection conducted outside of normal business hours $297 hourly rate; 2 hour minimum charge $302 1.84% CPI increase <br />Note: For photovoltaic systems, total permit fees, including applicable Permit Issuance and Filing Fees, Automation Fees, Community Planning Fees, and other mandated <br />fees shall not exceed amounts authorized via Government Code Section 66015. <br />32