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<br /> <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between April 1, 2021 <br />City of San Leandro and West Coast Arborist, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 1 of 6 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />1. SUMMARY: Removal of 27 trees; trimming of 11 trees; and planting of 27 15-gallon <br />trees (to be provided by the City). Specific tree species and locations as provided at <br />the mandatory site walk-thru. <br /> <br />2. SCOPE: Furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation, and perform <br />all operations necessary and incidental for the proper execution and completion of <br />all tree removals, plantings, and trimming in accordance with the specifications. <br /> <br />3. STANDARDS: All tree removals shall include grinding down the stump and surface <br />roots. Grade and compact with crown of 2 inches above surrounding grade to allow <br />for settling. Remove and off-haul excess grindings. <br /> <br />All tree trimming is to be done in accordance with the International Society of <br />Arboriculture, Western Chapter Pruning Standards (1988), the National Arborist <br />Association Pruning Standards for Shade Trees (revised 1988), and in compliance <br />with ANSI Z133.1 (1988 Safety Standards). Specifically, the quality of work shall be <br />consistent with the National Arborist Association definition of Fine Pruning (Class 1) <br />and including thinning, removal of dead wood and tipping back. Contractor is <br />required to have a thorough knowledge of these standards and is to have copies of <br />these standards on all sites where work is being performed. <br /> <br />All final cuts shall be made sufficiently close to the trunk or parent limb, without <br />cutting into the branch collar or leaving a protruding stub, so that closure can readily <br />begin under normal conditions. Excessively deep flush cuts that produce large <br />wounds or weaken the tree at the cut shall not be made. Sharp pruning tools shall <br />be used to ensure clean cuts. All pruning tools and saws shall be kept sharpened to <br />result in final cuts with smooth wood surface and secure bark remaining intact. It is <br />necessary to use the three-step cutting technique on branches that are too heavy to <br />handle to prevent splitting or peeling the bark. <br /> <br />In addition, in order to minimize damage to trees, no climbing with spikes is allowed. <br /> <br />Trees are to be raised from the sidewalk and street, thinned, trimmed back from <br />buildings and wires (Utility Service Drops), and streetlights should be cleared as <br />much as possible. Long, heavy limbs shall be lightened, and as is consistent with <br />the growth stage of the tree, have all basal and inside sucker growth removed as is <br />consistent with the above standards. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 62E86335-7C66-480B-861D-A9CC23655AE0