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<br /> <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between April 1, 2021 <br />City of San Leandro and West Coast Arborist, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />Contractor will not be paid for any trees not trimmed consistent with these <br />specifications. If at any time, contractor shows an inability to trim consistent with <br />these specifications, the Tree Supervisor, or said representative, will have the <br />authority to order Contractor to cease all trimming and to have the Purchase Order <br />cancelled. <br /> <br />For the 27 15-gallon trees (to be provided by City) to be planted by the Contractor, <br />the following must be provided/installed: <br />a. Three, 3” diameter x 10 ft. long pressure-treated tree stakes driven two <br />feet into the ground or more if needed to provide adequate support; <br />b. Three rubber tree straps securing the tree to each stake, secured by 6d <br />broad head galvanized nails. <br />c. Redwood 1”x6” boards used to attach the stakes to each other, secured <br />by three 2½” long outdoor-coated deck screws on each attachment point <br />(18 per tree). <br /> <br />All equipment to be used and all work to be performed must be in full compliance <br />with the most current revision of the American National Standards Institute Standard <br />Z-133.1 and A300, or as amended. <br /> <br />4. CLEANUP: All branches, brush, leaves, chips, and sawdust are to be removed from <br />the site and properly disposed of by the Contractor each day as part of the bid price. <br />The intent is that all areas are to be left in as clean as condition or better than before <br />the Contractor’s operations. Cleanup is to be done continuously as each tree is <br />finished. No brush is to be left at any of the tree sites. <br /> <br />5. CORRECTION OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS: If, in the determination of the <br />Parks Supervisor, any work done or omitted by the Contractor or any act of <br />vandalism or theft has created a condition hazardous to the public, the Parks <br />Supervisor will notify the Contractor’s office by telephone. The Contractor shall <br />commence correction of such condition by placement of barricades or otherwise <br />directed by the city within one (1) hour of receipt of such notice at his office, and <br />shall complete correction thereof on the same calendar day, regardless of the size of <br />the working force required or the number of hours of work required. <br /> <br />If the contractor cannot be reached by telephone, or fails to respond to the <br />hazardous condition within the specified one (1) hour limit, the city shall have the <br />authority to cause said hazardous condition to be corrected and deduct the cost <br />thereof from any amounts due or to become due the Contractor. Such costs shall <br />include any minimum or base costs for labor, materials or equipment as required by <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 62E86335-7C66-480B-861D-A9CC23655AE0