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• Start-up and testing of equipment and system operation. <br />o Scope of Work Excludes: <br />• Any work inside the existing blower building <br />• No relocation of the electrical enclosures on the blower deck <br />• Any SCADA upgrades <br /> <br />Heat Loop Pump Replacement <br />Replace two (2) existing 5 HP Heat Loop pumps in the Digester #1-3 Control Building <br />with new high efficiency pumps of similar capacity and performance. <br />o Scope of Work Includes: <br />• Demolition, removal and disposal of the existing heat loop pumps <br />• Electrical disconnect and reconnect <br />• Provide and install all necessary discharge and suction piping <br />• Insulate any new or exposed hot water pipe affected by the installation of <br />the new equipment <br />• Provide and install two (2) new high efficiency heat loop pumps <br />• Start-up and testing of equipment and system operation. <br />o Scope of Work Excludes: <br />• Draining or flushing of the hot water loop <br />• Controls or SCADA upgrades <br />• No electrical conduit or conductor replacement or modifications <br />Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with Micro grid Controller <br /> Furnish and install one (1) new 500kW/1.1MWh battery system, to be utilized by the <br />treatment plant, for peak demand shaving, energy arbitrage and serve as the primary backup <br />power (up to the BESS rated capacity) during public safety power shutoff (PSPS) and other <br />power grid interruptions. <br />o Scope of Work Includes: <br />• Design engineering <br />• Site preparation <br />• Equipment pads as required <br />• Provide and install one (1) BESS north of the main electrical building <br />(including auto transfer switch (ATS) and micro grid controller) <br />• Electrical disconnect and reconnect <br />• Electrical conduit and required panels/connections <br />• Provide and install one (1) BESS medium voltage transformer <br />• Provide a digital output from the BESS to the SCADA to indicate go/no-go <br />status <br />• Equipment and system start-up and testing. <br />• Electrical Interconnection coordination with PG&E <br />o Scope of Work Excludes: <br />• Integration (other than the single digital output from the BESS to the SCADA <br />to indicate go/no go noted above)of the BESS with the plant SCADA system <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DDC1773-ED91-404B-97DD-AC3EFDBAD0DD