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Spectrum Community Services - COVID19 Meals MOU 07012021
City Clerk
Spectrum Community Services - COVID19 Meals MOU 07012021
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5/26/2021 10:52:43 AM
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5/26/2021 10:52:39 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Memorandum of Understanding Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />this Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on <br />the scope of its protection to the above-designated insureds. <br />(ii) The insurance will be primary with respect to any insurance or self- <br />insurance programs of City, its elected and appointed officials, <br />employees and agents. <br />(iii) No reductions or cancellation in insurance may be made <br />without the written approval of the City’s Risk Manager. <br />(iv) Required insurance coverage shall remain in full force and effect <br />throughout the duration of this Agreement. <br />14. Spectrum will furnish to its staff that handles, delivers, or comes into contact <br />with food, or enters City property or interacts with City personnel face masks <br />in accordance with federal, state, and local guidelines. Spectrum staff shall <br />comply with all other applicable health guidelines as provided in federal, <br />state, and local COVID-19 safety guidelines. <br />B. Acceptance of this agreement by the City will include acknowledgment of the following <br />responsibilities: <br />1. SLSCC Site Coordinator will provide an estimate the number of meals for the <br />entire next week by 5:00 PM on the Monday of the previous week. If no meal <br />count is provided, no meals will be delivered to the site. Actual count with <br />anticipated increase or decrease is to be confirmed 4 business days prior to <br />delivery. <br />2. The City will provide Spectrum with a yearly calendar of scheduled holidays so that <br />the Spectrum staff is able to plan well in advance for necessary meal preparation. <br />The City will notify Spectrum of any changes in its holiday schedule at least one <br />month prior to the date affected. <br />3. The City will inform Spectrum of any days of closure (not serving) at the site at <br />least one (1) month in advance that is not considered an emergency. <br />4. The City, SLSCC program staff and SLSCC Site Coordinator will observe food <br />handling practices required by the Alameda County Area Agency on Aging Policies <br />and Procedures to prevent the spread of food borne illness. <br />a. There will be at least one City Staff member or volunteer regularly <br />providing meal service at SLSCC who is ServSafe Manager Certified. <br />b. All SLSCC staff members and volunteers regularly providing meal service <br />at SLSCC are to each have California Food Handler Card. <br />c. At least one staff member or volunteer who is regularly at SLSCC is <br />required to attend each Quarterly Training provided by Spectrum. This <br />person will be responsible for communicating the information to SLSCC staff <br />and volunteers. <br />d. SLSCC Site Coordinator will contact Spectrum as needed for additional <br />training in proper food handling techniques. <br />5. SLSCC staff will provide kitchen space and a table for to complete paperwork to <br />Spectrum beginning at 10:30 AM, Monday-Friday, with an ending time of 2:00 PM. <br />6. The City will serve all Spectrum meals during the time period of 12:00 PM until <br />12:30 PM. Food shall remain in coolers or refrigerator for proper cold holding until <br />being served directly to participant. No food will be out of proper cold holding for <br />more than 30 minutes. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AD606ECA-8BE2-419A-BC84-AC733E45E604
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