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Memorandum of Understanding Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />7. The City will take responsibility for all Spectrum property while this property is in <br />the City’s possession. Any property that is damaged, misplaced/lost will result in <br />the City reimbursing Spectrum. <br />e. <br />8. The City will return to Spectrum, on a daily basis, courier bag, clipboard, coolers, <br />and ice packs. These items will be ready for a Spectrum driver to pick up from site <br />by 12:50 PM. <br />2. The City will provide supplies needed for both the serving of meals and proper <br />cleanliness of facility and equipment. Supplies include the following: <br />a. Refrigerator with designated Spectrum space <br />b. Hand soap <br />c. Hot water <br />d. Paper towels <br />e. Hand sanitizer <br />f. Sanitizing solution <br />g. Towels for cleaning and sanitizing <br />h. Use of carts for providing meals curbside to participants. <br />3. The City will support Spectrum’s efforts and agrees to assist in the promotion of <br />senior meals, special events, and the organization, etc. by sharing materials <br />Spectrum provides. <br />C. The City and Spectrum agree that any amendment to the memorandum shall be <br />effectuated by a written document signed by both parties. The document will be <br />attached to the memorandum as an addendum. <br />D. If either party wishes to discontinue this partnership, said party will provide fifteen (15) <br />days written notice. <br />E. The term of this MOU is July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. <br />If any provisions of this agreement are held to be contrary to law, such provisions will be <br />deemed invalid and subsisting only to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions will <br />continue in effect. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AD606ECA-8BE2-419A-BC84-AC733E45E604