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File Number: 21-435 <br />the City’s 2050 GHG reduction target, but they do place San Leandro on a trajectory toward <br />continued GHG emission reduction that will support increased reduction activities in the future. It <br />is likely that there will be new policies and regulations, technologies, personal and economic <br />behaviors and preferences, and other factors that emerge in coming years. These factors cannot <br />be accurately forecasted in this CAP, but they will likely be able to reduce GHG emissions <br />beyond the levels identified here. Future updates to the CAP will be able to better assess the <br />GHG emissions reductions from these factors and include them as part of San Leandro’s GHG <br />reduction strategy as appropriate. Future updates to the CAP may include more stringent GHG <br />reduction targets as they are feasible and appropriate. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment 1: Climate Action Plan 2021 Public Hearing Draft (redlined) <br />Attachment 2: Climate Action Plan 2021 Public Review Draft <br />Attachment 3: Combined CAP 2021 Public Comments <br />Attachment 4: CAP EIR Public Hearing Addendum (redlined) <br />Attachment 5: CAP EIR Public Review Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />PREPARED BY: Hoi-Fei Mok, Sustainability Manager <br />Page 9 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2021 <br />29