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File Number: 21-414 <br />corrosion that is already present. They will then use appropriate coatings to protect the structures <br />from further degradation. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This project will cost the Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund $304,763 and up to <br />$365,716 if there are change orders. <br />Budget Authority <br />This Enterprise Fund Project will cost $365,716 and be funded by transferring that amount from <br />the Water Pollution Control Plant Fund Balance to account 593-52-113-5890. <br />$80,000 has been appropriated for this project in the in-plant CIP account (593-52-113). This <br />account would normally carryover to the next fiscal year, but that process must wait until the books <br />are fully closed. To prevent delays to the project, staff recommends that Council appropriate the <br />full amount at this time. Staff will ensure that the funds are not also carried over. <br />Attachment <br />o Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and Redwood <br />Painting Company, Inc. for $304,763 for the Water Pollution Control Plant Structure <br />Recoating Project <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Justin Jenson, Water Pollution Control Plant Manager <br />Hayes Morehouse, Water Pollution Control Administrative Analyst II <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2021 <br />608