democracy, and the idea that people around the world have a fundamental human right to access
<br />clean, healthy and adequate air, water, land, food, education, and shelter; and
<br />WHEREAS, San Leandro is dedicated to being a sustainable, livable city that is
<br />proactively working to address the threats of human -induced climate change by reducing
<br />pollutants, conserving precious resources, and strengthening our community's resilience to a
<br />changing climate and rising sea levels; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 2009, the San Leandro City Council approved and adopted the City of
<br />San Leandro Climate Action Plan: A Vision for a Sustainable San Leandro to guide the City of
<br />San Leandro towards a sustainable future that reduces greenhouse gas emissions from current
<br />levels, while promoting economic prosperity for present and future generations; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 2014, the City selected P1aceWorks to serve as lead consultant to update
<br />the 2035 General Plan, in which the 2009 Climate Action Plan (CAP) was incorporated and
<br />evaluated the 2009 CAP as a component of the Environmental Impact Report for the General
<br />Plan Update and included direction for updating the 2009 CAP; and
<br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the City
<br />of San Leandro City Council: certified a Final Environmental Impact Report for the 2035
<br />General Plan Update; made findings relating to significant impacts, mitigation measures and
<br />alternatives, and adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and adopted a Mitigation
<br />Monitoring and Reporting Program; and
<br />WHEREAS, in December 2019, the San Leandro City Council declared a climate
<br />emergency and has continued its commitment to adopt, honor, and uphold the goals of the Paris
<br />Climate Agreement by intensifying efforts to meet the City's current climate goals, push for new
<br />action to meet that agreement's 1.5 °C target, and therefore began a process to update and expand
<br />its local CAP with a goal of meeting or exceeding the City Council's previously -adopted
<br />greenhouse gas emission reduction targets; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City has conducted an extensive community outreach process to ensure
<br />broad public participation for development of the CAP, including over 150 small group and 1:1
<br />meetings, including parent associations, labor alliances, faith groups, elementary and high school
<br />students, service clubs, indigenous leaders, climate and biking organizations, disability
<br />advocates, businesses, developers, school districts, and regional agencies; and
<br />WHEREAS, the two public workshops were conducted in both Spanish and Chinese,
<br />and the in -person workshop provided childcare and food for greater access and participation; and
<br />WHEREAS, public input was further solicited through two online surveys, including on
<br />Consider.It, where participants could vote and comment on the draft CAP strategies; and
<br />WHEREAS, the input received through the public engagement process, including
<br />feedback from the public, Planning Commission, and Council, was incorporated into the
<br />plan; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City prepared a public review draft, which was publicly released on
<br />May 2021, based on public input, staff and consultant review and research, and City Council
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 2021-113 2
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