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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A19-0069 <br />Project No. 1468020 <br /> <br /> Page 3 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />forth in the applicable transportation expenditure plans, or the BAAQMD-approved TFCA County Program <br />Manager Policies. <br /> <br />J. ALAMEDA CTC programs and allocates ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS through <br />the ALAMEDA CTC Comprehensive Investment Plan (“CIP”) that is updated periodically to summarize the <br />programming and allocations of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS, and the policies, procedures and <br />requirements related to the expenditure of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS. <br /> <br />K. The PROJECT SPONSOR is implementing a project or program (“PROJECT”) that is eligible <br />for ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS. The PROJECT and the strategy to implement the PROJECT are <br />described in greater detail in Appendix A: Project Control Information. <br /> <br />L. This AGREEMENT obligates funds from one or more of ALAMEDA CTC administered <br />funding programs as specified in Appendix B: Alameda CTC Administered Funds Obligated by this <br />Agreement, for the PROJECT and the phase(s) described in Appendix A: Project Control Information. <br />ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT are available to reimburse eligible <br />costs incurred by PROJECT SPONSOR for the PROJECT and the phase(s) described in Appendix A: Project <br />Control Information. <br /> <br />M. The issuance of bonds or another financing mechanism are possible funding options as part <br />of ALAMEDA CTC administered funding programs to meet cash flow requirements of each individual <br />program based on current schedule and project delivery information. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />SECTION I <br /> <br />PROJECT SPONSOR AGREES: <br /> <br />1. PROJECT SPONSOR shall implement the PROJECT in accordance with all requirements in this <br />AGREEMENT and the following appendices attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br /> <br />a. Appendix A: Project Control Information <br />b. Appendix B: Alameda CTC Administered Funds Obligated by this Agreement <br />c. Appendix C: Alameda CTC Request for Reimbursement and Reporting Requirements <br />d. Appendix D: Local Business Contract Equity Program <br />e. Appendix E: Deliverables and Due Dates <br />f. Appendix F: Project Performance Measures <br />g. Appendix G: Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies and Requirements <br /> <br />2. PROJECT SPONSOR shall perform the necessary work associated with the PROJECT required <br />to implement PROJECT as described in Appendix A: Project Control Information. <br /> <br />113